Gas Prices

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Stronger dollar, weak employment numbers, OIL finally reached the tipping point on the economy....Time to give some back. Speculators are killing this country.

They should do to oil speculators what they did to silver speculators...INCREASE the margins... meaning, have to actually put money up when they trade oil stocks. Once they did this to silver when it hit 50 bucks, it slid all the way back to 35 bucks.

Thats how you control those greedy bastards.



Strength through joy
The way to defeat the oil speculators is to increase the oil flow. But the country with the largest reserves prohibits drilling.
Currently those that deal in the futures market must id themselves as either speculators or hedge managers.


golden ticket member
Stronger dollar, weak employment numbers, OIL finally reached the tipping point on the economy....Time to give some back. Speculators are killing this country.

They should do to oil speculators what they did to silver speculators...INCREASE the margins... meaning, have to actually put money up when they trade oil stocks. Once they did this to silver when it hit 50 bucks, it slid all the way back to 35 bucks.

Thats how you control those greedy bastards.


You mention weak employment in your first sentence.......yet I keep hearing from Obama-ites how wonderful he has done with the jobs & all. Biden keeps spouting imaginary numbers of how many jobs are created. It's all smoke. Employment opportunities are dismal in the REAL world.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The way to defeat the oil speculators is to increase the oil flow. But the country with the largest reserves prohibits drilling.
Currently those that deal in the futures market must id themselves as either speculators or hedge managers.


There are NO OIL shortages, anywhere in the world. This country has a glut of oil sitting around, some is being sold to other countries. OPEC is producing at levels seen in the 70's (73% output) whereas, under bush, the claim was "supply vs demand" and the strory was high prices were due to the shortage of output. OPEC at the time was producing at 99.9% and said they couldnt produce another drop more.

Today, OPEC is cutting back production to control prices. When Obama was elected, oil dropped to 35 bucks a barrel. OPEC had no choice but to cut back production to stop the freefall of oil on the market. In addition, domestic producers (OUR STUFF) cut back as well. Oil held steady for almost 2 years around the 75 buck a barrel mark until the republicans took control of congress.

Once they took office, oil exploded! 110% increase since they took office. IS it any surprise that the oil industry broke previous profit records in the very first quarter that the republicans were in control of congress??

Of course not. This is the way business is done in washington. The current congress WILL NOT take any action against the oil companies and they know it.

Rape american consumers until the economy is wrecked. Then, they will consider giving some back.

Is it any surprise that the oil market went on a "BEAR" run immediately after releasing profits for the 1st quarter?

Within a week, oil has crashed 18 dollars a barrel, but not a penny yet at the pump.

Its been the practice that for every dollar a barrel higher, .10 cents would be added per gallon.

But in the reverse, its not the same formula.

With an 18 dollar reduction in price, and using the .10 cent formula, fuel per gallon should be 2.20.

Thats 4.00 - 1.80= 2.20

BUT, congress will look the other way as the oil companies give us back 10 cents a gallon and tell us to shut up, because its the free market.

Our system of oil to fuel needs to change.



The Nim
The big problem keeping gas prices higher than normal vs oil prices, is our lack of refining compacity. The supply of oil doesn't matter if we can't refine it.


Strength through joy
Show Data By:
Data Series

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 View
Number of Operable Refineries

Total Number of Operable Refineries 148 149 149 150 150 148 1982-2010
Operating 144 142 145 146 141 137 1982-2010
Idle 4 7 4 4 9 11 1982-2010
Atmospheric Crude Oil Distillation Capacity

Operable (Barrels per Calendar Day) 17,124,870 17,338,814 17,443,492 17,593,847 17,671,550 17,583,790 1982-2010
Operating 17,006,290 16,420,914 16,997,792 17,225,797 17,313,550 16,850,194 1982-2010
Idle 118,580 917,900 445,700 368,050 358,000 733,596 1982-2010
Operable (Barrels per Stream Day) 18,030,887 18,307,502 18,425,322 18,558,022 18,681,308 18,581,089 1982-2010
Operating 17,876,787 17,322,202 17,928,522 18,174,072 18,300,358 17,808,082 1982-2010
Idle 154,100 985,300 496,800 383,950 380,950 773,007 1982-2010

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The big problem keeping gas prices higher than normal vs oil prices, is our lack of refining compacity. The supply of oil doesn't matter if we can't refine it.

You can thank both Ronald Reagan and George H Bush for our refining problems. I know you ALL will jump on the no new refineries have been built because democrats wont allow it, but you better do your homework first.

In both Reagans and Bush's terms in office, they collectively SHUT DOWN over 45 refineries in this country. Deregulation of the oil industry allowed the biggest companies to scoop up the smaller ones and then SHUT THEM DOWN creating the 5 largest oil companies in the world.

By controlling the refining aspect, they could drive up prices. Oil was at 5 bucks a barrel when reagan took office, and he shot it up with this practice, and Bush followed driving the price even higher to 24 bucks a barrel.

Clinton came in and threatened to open our reserves if the oil companies continued this practice and oil held steady for 8 YEARS. GW BUSH comes in with total control of congress and the senate and oil shoots up 450%.

Is this any surprise??

Well, not to a democrat. Unfortunately, most republicans dont understand any of this.

Its the repubilcans who DONT WANT new refineries built even though they blab on about it year after year. New capacity or output would drive prices into the ground and you know that will never happen.

Do your homework, and place blame where it belongs.



The Nim
I can lay blame on both parties for lack of refining ability, doesn't change the fact that it's still a problem and needs to be fixed. There's a number of things that can be done if we want cheaper gas, and it's pretty much all domestic.


golden ticket member
I can lay blame on both parties for lack of refining ability, doesn't change the fact that it's still a problem and needs to be fixed. There's a number of things that can be done if we want cheaper gas, and it's pretty much all domestic.

Make just one blend for the entire country would bring the cost down some.
I can lay blame on both parties for lack of refining ability, doesn't change the fact that it's still a problem and needs to be fixed. There's a number of things that can be done if we want cheaper gas, and it's pretty much all domestic.
Haven't you heard? It's not allowed on this forum to say anything negative about the left without getting bombast-ed.


Well-Known Member
Haven't you heard? It's not allowed on this forum to say anything negative about the left without getting bombast-ed.


You may be correct but all of us cannot ignore the truth.
We can point fingers and come up with "facts" that support both the left and the right views from the past.
As an Independent I choose to live and deal with the facts of the present.
All Presidents Republican and Democrat have been selling a "NRG plan"

The only President I know that has said numerous times that Energy costs will rise dramatically under my plan is Obama -our current President.
Obama has kept his promise on this. Why does anyone look at speculators, oil companies, refineries etc.

Attorney General Holder's Investigation should tell us that the President's plan is on track !!

Force us to alternative energy sources --unfortunately we do not have them .

As a good American I called a Solar Panel company. For two small solar panels they wanted 25,000 dollars.
Also told me that any damage to my tile roof they are not responsible for.
The cost/savings/risk--just does not add up.
Many people are suffering today because of Obamas plan and will suffer even more with cap and trade.:sad-little:

So -simple question to our friends in the deep left.

Did Obama Lie to us when he stated under his plan the cost of energy would go up ?


Strength through joy
Let's see now, I follow bhos idea of getting a high mileage vehicle be it hybird or electric , thus overall the demand for oil goes down, also since I use less gasoline I pay less for highway upkeep.
Now he wants to tax me for all the miles driven, regardless if I drive on or off road.
Hey I followed their mandates, yet they still want to keep taxing me more.
What wrong here ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Haven't you heard? It's not allowed on this forum to say anything negative about the left without getting bombast-ed.

Truth hurts, but its still a fact. Reagan / Bush shut down over 45 plants during their terms that would otherwise be producing today. Back then, our refineries were only producing at 11% of capacity and that held oil stocks down, the idea by the repubilcans was to CUT production and the remaining plants would then have to operate at a higher capacity driving up the stock price.

More cuts drove up capacity levels to 65% by the time clinton took office. What they didnt understand was growth. Our country was growing at a rate faster than anticipated. More cars on the road and crappy fuel mileage. The demand became greater. By the time they realized they created a monster for the US consumer, it was too late.

Building new plants to meet epa emiisions and pollution controls made it next to impossible to build.

Now , our refineries are producing at 84% of capacity and prices are through the roof again.

Who's to blame?

Think about it.



The Nim
Truth hurts, but its still a fact. Reagan / Bush shut down over 45 plants during their terms that would otherwise be producing today. Back then, our refineries were only producing at 11% of capacity and that held oil stocks down, the idea by the repubilcans was to CUT production and the remaining plants would then have to operate at a higher capacity driving up the stock price.

More cuts drove up capacity levels to 65% by the time clinton took office. What they didnt understand was growth. Our country was growing at a rate faster than anticipated. More cars on the road and crappy fuel mileage. The demand became greater. By the time they realized they created a monster for the US consumer, it was too late.

Building new plants to meet epa emiisions and pollution controls made it next to impossible to build.

Now , our refineries are producing at 84% of capacity and prices are through the roof again.

Who's to blame?

Think about it.


While you're going to keep bringing up Reagan/Bush *I'm assuming you mean the first Bush* during the Clinton years we dropped 40 refineries as well.

Blame goes to both sides.


The Nim
You know what, I'll go ahead and give you this, with a small caveat. The number of refineries hasn't really changed since Obama was in office, but at the same time it didn't drop much during the second Bush's years either.

I can't find data pre-1982 on our number of refineries, but the amount pretty much cut in half from 1982 to 2000. After 2000 it's only gone down a little.
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