Gas Prices


Well-Known Member
Yep, it's set up so neatly. Also all .gov sites are completely honest and 100% accurate.



Für Meno :)
What if cars ran on Gold ? Holy crap we would be in big trouble, since the price of gold went up higher then that of crude oil !

Guess, the rest of the world would need to blame it on the US, too !
Europe is paying up to $12 a gallon, and I'm certain they are blaming US refineries on that, or Obama.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You know what, I'll go ahead and give you this, with a small caveat. The number of refineries hasn't really changed since Obama was in office, but at the same time it didn't drop much during the second Bush's years either.

I can't find data pre-1982 on our number of refineries, but the amount pretty much cut in half from 1982 to 2000. After 2000 it's only gone down a little.

Thank you. Refining for oil stocks manipulation slowed during bush2 and even slower in Obama. But the largest contributor to the refining problem started with reagan.

We would be in a whole different place if de regulating the oil industry wasnt done by reagan.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

Could higher fuel prices be a way to nudge people to buy a new car? Depending on one's current model with it's fuel mileage, compare that to a new car with it's better mileage, the fuel savings may go a long way into paying some or a large part of the new car payment. Thus borrowing (banks, credit companies), purchase of a new car (hopefully from GM or Chrysler eg bailout motors) would act as an economic stimulator in the friend.I.R.E. and manufacturing sectors of business.

However the economic downside is you do purchase less fuel (disadvantage to local distributors) but also in the case of older vehicles, you are not purchasing the repairs that come with older cars so the local auto repair shops and Auto Parts Stores could suffer economic loss.

It does come down to best allocation of resources but are our choices being forced by non natural market forces eg manipulation? While we live in a planned economy and where transparency of all gov't purposes are so lacking, it does give one to ponder if gas prices are high because of true economic forces or if there is a multiplicity of benefactors at work here that we can't or aren't allowed to see?

“We are drowning in propaganda.” – Mark Crispin Miller

“The real currency in a democracy is honest information.” – James Hoggan

If you think such nefarious wheeling and dealing by car makers and public policy makers is beyond the pale, YouTube "Taken For A Ride" and then consider that thought again!



Für Meno :)
according to some market researchers, this thread will be pretty well short-lived, again.

They predict a gallon of gas to go down near 80 cents in the near future.


golden ticket member
Nancy Pelosi is past 70 and losing it......she claims now that this drilling thing was the democrats idea all along.....................yet just last week she voted no on a bill for drilling. I think she's demented.


Strength through joy
A simple plan to drop fuel prices........
take away the keys to Air Force One.
Make bhos pay for every drop of fuel used.


golden ticket member
Pelosi says w have all along been for drilling.

On May 5th she voted NO on a offshore leasing act.

The vote was for the following.

Vote to pass a bill that requires the Secretary of the Interior to conduct offshore oil and gas lease sales.


-Requires the Secretary of the Interior to conduct the following offshore oil and gas lease sales (Secs. 2-5):
  • -Lease Sale 216 in the Central Gulf of Mexico no later than 4 months after the enactment of this bill;
    -Lease Sale 218 in the Western Gulf of Mexico no later than 8 months after the enactment of this bill;
    -Lease Sale 220 on the outer continental shelf offshore Virginia no later than 1 year after the enactment of this bill; and
    -Lease Sale 222 in the Central Gulf of Mexico no later than June 1, 2012.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
LIke I said weeks ago on this board, and was said today in the senate. The oil companies have reduced PRODUCTION at the refineries to 83% down 6% over a year ago just to manipulate oil prices.

Production is down almost 27% from the GW BUSH years. Manipulation of refining is the biggest cause of fuel prices at the pump.

Everything else is all B.S. or in other words FOXED.



golden ticket member
With your reasoning, then Fox is responsible for the 9% Unemployment rate too....don't you hear how ridiculous that sounds? New agencies just report stuff.


Well-Known Member
LIke I said weeks ago on this board, and was said today in the senate. The oil companies have reduced PRODUCTION at the refineries to 83% down 6% over a year ago just to manipulate oil prices.

Production is down almost 27% from the GW BUSH years. Manipulation of refining is the biggest cause of fuel prices at the pump.

Everything else is all B.S. or in other words FOXED.


So it has nothing to do with speculators?


Für Meno :)
So it has nothing to do with speculators?

Nope, just as little as the price of bread is creeping up. Bakeries are still only working 1 or 2 shifts. They should run a 3rd shift (24/7) and bring prices down.
Has nothing to do with wheat prices !

Yeah, right... can't believe I just wrote that ! :)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So it has nothing to do with speculators?

Yes it does, but the speculators "speculate" on supply, and when supply is "artificially" reduced, the price goes up. Its all timing. Timing that always preceeds a holiday. Reduction of refining has been the problem for oil going back to reagan, bush when refining was CUT by 50% by shutting down refineries.

Now, they cant shut down so easy with a democrat in the white house, so they just ease production back to create shortages in refined supply.

Its a easy game.
