Gas Prices

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Looks like TOS has found someone who agrees with him...............alter-ego, red thunder!!

Now Klein has 2 friends!

I enjoy when the CLUELESS cannot respond intelligently to a legitimate question. BASHING BASHING BASHING is all the right wing supporters know what to do. Merely repeat the given days talking points and when confronted with friend A C T S ... run away and name call, then gather their friends and instead of them contributing anything intelligent to the conversation, they too name call.

As I said before, DRILL BABY DRILL only applies to the convenient rhetoric drilled in peoples head on a daily basis.




Well-Known Member
That may well be Rod but even if the price is double, at 100 mpg and if it's road worthy, sure puts the pressure on ALL the big auto makers. Carbon Fiber is expensive but here's a point to ponder towards the defense of the $25k price tag which I was surprised at. "If" he can get CF for $45 per sq. ft and "IF" keeping the total body surface under 110 sq. ft, his body cost is $5k so "MAYBE" it's possible especially if you can factor in savings from quantity purchasing into the cost column. Also from the video I see no heater/AC/CD/Radio/ and it maybe (appears) a single seater so this thing may purely be a commuter car and not much else at this point. Besides, I doubt the auto makers and oil companies who own the gov't and it's regulatory arm won't make this guy jump through so many hoops if he even comes close to going to market. Even the gov't has an MO to squash this thing because were it to catch on, the revenues from fuel taxation would plummet in a tax structure that already falls short of footing road costs.

Still glad to see this attempt to move the innovation curve forward and I hope he's able to do it.


golden ticket member
Say stop already right wingers!!!


San Clemente Gas Prices - Find the Lowest Gas Prices in San Clemente, California

GAS in my town here in so calif just hit 4.15 a gallon. GOING DOWN!!

Just a few more weeks and gas will be under 4 bucks a gallon!!


Over $4 a gallon and you are yahooing ! Your memory must be shot. Remember $1.78 a gallon when Obama took over??

Now I see why you are happy with this president. If undermining the principles of this country was his goal, he is indeed successful.

The real 'other side' want to see him out!!


Well-Known Member
The American Conservative's Center for Public Transportation: Our View on the Price of Oil

So the next time you think about the price of a gallon of gasoline, reflect on our over-reliance on oil-based conveyances. The automobile consumes 50% of daily oil usage in this country. Don’t blame the President (Bush or Obama) when prices edge up. It’s like howling at the moon; it might feel good but, frankly, there’s no effect. Democrats did it when Mr. Bush was President and Republicans are doing it now to our current President. Dramatic oil price increases reflect world conditions. Thus, our over-sensitivity to world events is a direct result of our addition to oil.

Now with the politics out of the way, you can read the rest to see where they are coming from on this issue.


Strength through joy
AAA reports gas is up $.16 from last month.

And all the oil being drilled is on private lands, not gov't.
So ( and I'll be repeating myself ) how can this administration afford not to be collecting money for the sale of leases ?
All the talk about making the oil companies pay ( same speeches as last year, btw ) .


golden ticket member
AAA reports gas is up $.16 from last month.

And all the oil being drilled is on private lands, not gov't.
So ( and I'll be repeating myself ) how can this administration afford not to be collecting money for the sale of leases ?
All the talk about making the oil companies pay ( same speeches as last year, btw ) .

This is the 4th time he's tried the 'speculator thing'. It hasn't worked before, but keep your fingers crossed and click your heels together and those gas prices will soon be zooming downward!!

He lies whenever he gets in front of the mic.

His line should be...."I'm not a leader, but I play one on T.V."


Well-Known Member
AAA reports gas is up $.16 from last month.

And all the oil being drilled is on private lands, not gov't.
So ( and I'll be repeating myself ) how can this administration afford not to be collecting money for the sale of leases ?
All the talk about making the oil companies pay ( same speeches as last year, btw ) .

Are you in effect advocating taxation of the oil companies here?

This raises a question, with the huge rise of the oil industry in the late 19th and early 20th century forcing the oil companies to deal with private land owners, if we really opened the research books could we discover the large rise in the 20th century of the Federal gov't becoming the largest land owner be in relationship to the benefit of the oil companies?

How did the railroads in many respects acquire their lands in the 19th century? Hmmmmm!


Retired 23 years
Now I see they are talking about building a multi-million (billion) dollar port that would be used for nothing else but to ship our excess natural gas overseas (they say we have a real glut of it on hand). That is the reason natural gas prices have fallen to the lowest point in years. The kicker is they admit that one of the side effects of this port would be that natural gas prices would go up.


bella amicizia
Now I see they are talking about building a multi-million (billion) dollar port that would be used for nothing else but to ship our excess natural gas overseas (they say we have a real glut of it on hand). That is the reason natural gas prices have fallen to the lowest point in years. The kicker is they admit that one of the side effects of this port would be that natural gas prices would go up.
Why do you think they are doing it? To benefit the future consumers? :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Now I see they are talking about building a multi-million (billion) dollar port that would be used for nothing else but to ship our excess natural gas overseas (they say we have a real glut of it on hand). That is the reason natural gas prices have fallen to the lowest point in years. The kicker is they admit that one of the side effects of this port would be that natural gas prices would go up.

This is another example of why I seriously question the whole Keystone pipeline. Especially when I look at a map of the pipeline network in this country. I've always thought that oil is going out of the US regardless if the pipeline is built or not so that said, why bother!



bella amicizia
I think the pipeline is stupid. I like T. Boone and all, but if he is for it, it isn't going to benefit little ol' me in NNY.


Well-Known Member
I think the pipeline is stupid. I like T. Boone and all, but if he is for it, it isn't going to benefit little ol' me in NNY.

No, T. Boone's idea will not benefit. Boone went to the Congress and various State govt's and the moment these institutions would not allow Boone to pick the taxpayer pocket to fund his efforts, it came to a grinding halt and a for sale sign went up on those wind generators. Wind in the right location can work great but to make power for the national grid requires a massive amount of power to be generated just to move the electricity across the grid. This excess power is just for transmission and is lost and never makes it to the final customer. This is the bigger problem of adapting solar and wind as a centralized grid solution but scaled at the local point of use, in the right locale, it's awesome and works great but it takes customers out of the monopoly energy bidness equation and thus the reason it's never advocated in public policy in it's best scenarios for success.

This leaves the mindless who never look beyond the end of their noses to demonize the whole thing by playing the mynah birds to monopoly energy special interests talking points!


bella amicizia
I think unharnessing all the elements is a good thing. I am not a proponent of the large scale wind turbines they are using in certain places. I see the ecological damage they can inflict. I am a huge proponent of having a few of the cylindrical wind turbines and solar panels on your home to supplement your power supply from your local supplier. I wish more would get 'off-the-grid', as it really isn't that hard. If I were rich, I'd would be such a recluse with an abode hidden away somewhere that no transmission lines can access.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
GAS prices down AGAIN in Orange County!!

Yes, that means even in old san clemente. Its down 6 cents since friday in my town. We are at 4.13 a gallon for regular unleaded. We spiked to 4.41 a month ago, and its down heading towards sub 4 bucks!

yes folks, prices spiked for no apparent reason.




golden ticket member
GAS prices down AGAIN in Orange County!!

Yes, that means even in old san clemente. Its down 6 cents since friday in my town. We are at 4.13 a gallon for regular unleaded. We spiked to 4.41 a month ago, and its down heading towards sub 4 bucks!

yes folks, prices spiked for no apparent reason.


Hooray, gas over $4 a gallon..........look out for the guys in the white coats.....they aren't ice cream specialists.
Prices spiked right after Odumbo opened his mouth about speculators.....seems obvious to me.