I need a full size 4X4 truck for all my toys and to get around on the lakes in the winter. Other than refusing to buy gas at the one station in town that is always the first to raise their prices and the last to lower them I really don't care what gas costs because there isn't anything I can do about it anyway. Lifes too short to sweat the small stuff. Have you ever tried to pull a good size boat out of a steep boat landing with one of those little 2 wheel drive wannabe trucks?
- I was with you until you said "I really don't care what gas costs..." I had part timers who were working to pay for their gas. It may not infringe upon your disposable income but we have to be cognizant of people who are on limited incomes. I remember what it was like to be a young married 20 year old who sold his car because of a $50 car payment to buy a car for cash. It is people like us who need to fight for our fellow Americans who cannot afford big spikes and hits on their modest income.
I am having a hard time feeling sympathy for anyone who chose to buy a full-sized truck, SUV or performance car in the last 5 years and is now struggling to afford gas for it. Gas prices first spiked to $4 a gallon back in '07 and people have had 5 years since then to make better choices about what to drive and how far to commute. My 2006 VW Jetta TDI is a comfortable car with all of the options anyone could want and plenty of power....and I get well over 40MPG on the freeway and upper 30's around town. $4.25 a gallon for diesel? Not a problem for me!
Again - Some people cannot afford to buy newer cars that get better fuel economy... AND some people (like rod and others) may need full-sized vehicles because of their business or because of their family transportation situation. I remember car promotions that advertised giveaways on full sized vehicles especially trucks if you bought another vehicle. Prices were so low that some on a modest income may have been able to fit a new vehicle into their budget only because of the low price on the gas guzzler.
My newest car is 7 years old and I don't drive a lot but I certainly care about our economy and these prices are inflationary. Why is it so high? The Dems are printing money to pay our debt because they can't reduce spending, and that is causing oil prices to rise on a weak dollar and the same goes for import prices on all goods. Transportation prices are sky rocketing which are absorbed by you guessed it, you and me!