Gas Prices

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

America was thrown into war under Bush. Our economy was going to completely fall apart. His immediate goal was to protect Americans at all costs (War President). The economy was second to that.

Obama did not have to put any major new policies into affect because of the war. Pulling troops back is not being a war president. We were relatively safe. His main goal was to stop the economy from sliding a second time into a depression, (which IMO we had anyway). He decided to go after healthcare instead of working on balancing the budget and bringing back or establishing the climate for high paying jobs.

In my opinion Bush's second term was not as a war president but he continued to try and make the economy flourish through spending and tax cuts. He was a strong believer that everyone should have the opportunity to own a home (Clinton thought this too). This is an implausible outcome which eventually failed when balloon payments and loan terms outpaced income growth and the bubble burst!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


Staff member

I find your narrow definition of a war president remarkably strange since we now have wars that last decades with American troops in harms way and potential casualties on multiple fronts. Is a president's prosecution of a war 10 years later any less harrowing? I think you should reconsider.

Also, we were not thrown into war with Iraq. We walked right into that one.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

I find your narrow definition of a war president remarkably strange since we now have wars that last decades with American troops in harms way and potential casualties on multiple fronts. Is a president's prosecution of a war 10 years later any less harrowing? I think you should reconsider.

Also, we were not thrown into war with Iraq. We walked right into that one.

So what is your definition of a war president?

Because, every president from the mid 20th century could be categorized as a war president. My definition is more of a reaction to being attacked. A war president puts processes and procedures in place to keep America secure and safe. The key point to me is we were attacked and went to war. We were put on the defensive reeling back on our heels, and had to take the offensive.

Protecting another nation is different to me. Starting your term during an occupation and withdrawal is different also.

Also, you were putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about about being thrown into a war with Iraq.


Strength through joy
During the Bush years all the pony tail libs were having their road side vigils against the wars.
Today they can not be found .
What has caused them to vanish ?


Well-Known Member
During the Bush years all the pony tail libs were having their road side vigils against the wars.
Today they can not be found .
What has caused them to vanish ?

You wanted them gone, so they're gone. And now you want to complain about that fact? Geezzzzzzzzz!

Ain't it funny that during those years, those clean cut, clean shaven "CONSERVATIVES" sat on their hands while the gov't further injected itself into healthcare with Medicare Part D and now when once again gov't injects itself in healthcare, it's all but global war. Funny how politics works.

And by all means let's not even dare discuss the historical record setting in those days while we show our hypocrisy again by only pointing out the current mess and empirical overreach albeit for the goal of a purely political agenda. Seems to me those "pony tail libs" shut up because they finally got a "real republican" in the White House.


golden ticket member
Orange CountyUSA
One Week Ago4.1413.816
One Month Ago4.0843.690
One Year Ago3.9243.62


Well-Known Member
$3.71 and while out this morning saw a station lowering it's price for regular to $3.69 so appears the drop in prices will continue for the moment.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

America was thrown into war under Bush. Our economy was going to completely fall apart. His immediate goal was to protect Americans at all costs (War President). The economy was second to that.

Obama did not have to put any major new policies into affect because of the war. Pulling troops back is not being a war president. We were relatively safe. His main goal was to stop the economy from sliding a second time into a depression, (which IMO we had anyway). He decided to go after healthcare instead of working on balancing the budget and bringing back or establishing the climate for high paying jobs.

In my opinion Bush's second term was not as a war president but he continued to try and make the economy flourish through spending and tax cuts. He was a strong believer that everyone should have the opportunity to own a home (Clinton thought this too). This is an implausible outcome which eventually failed when balloon payments and loan terms outpaced income growth and the bubble burst!

We were not "thrown into war" under Bush.

Under Bush, we invaded a nation (Iraq) that had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks, that had never attacked the United States, and that possessed no weapons of mass detruction.

Rather than actually paying for this uneccessary war through additional taxes (as we did during WWII), we cut taxes for the wealthy and then simply followed Bush's instructions to "go on vacation" and "go to the mall" while passing the entire cost of the war on to our grandchildren and great grandchildren in the form of debt.

Rather than embarking upon a Manhattan Project-type mission to wean ourselves off of our addiction to Middle Eastern petroleum, we clung to our entitlement mentality for cheap gas and kept on producing huge, inefficent SUV's and trucks. Rather than encouraging the use of alternate fuels such as biodiesel, we imposed EPA restrictions that effectively banned hyper-efficient, biofuel-compatible cars such as the VW Lupo (80 MPG, available in Europe only)from the American market.

If every American commuted to work in a vehicle that got 45 MPG, we wouldnt need to import ANY oil from the Middle East at all. We could bring our troops home, bring our money home, and disentangle ourselves from the unending turmoil.

I want to know why it is that I can buy a Hummer that gets 7 MPG on gasoline made out of crude oil from the Persian Gulf, but I cant buy a VW Lupo that gets 80MPG on biodiesel made out of waste cooking oil from a potato chip factory in Oregon.

I want to know why the American auto industry almost went bankrupt in the mid 2000's while at the same time there was a 6 month waiting list to buy a Toyota Prius or a diesel VW Jetta.

I personally hope gasoline stays at $4 a gallon. If it were up to me, we would add an additional $2 "deficit reduction/military support tax" to each gallon of gasoline sold; that way, the people whose idea of "supporting the troops" consists of stickinig a yellow ribbon on their SUV would get to put their money where their mouth is every time they pulled up to the pump.


Strength through joy
You know in Europe they have vehicles that get 45mpg .
So why don't they sell them here ?
Oh, that's right , they fail to meet American standards , yet they are made by our Big 3 and all those Asian companies that already sell cars here.
It's nothing but a shell game .

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Sober say what you want... the country didn't attack ourselves on 9-11-01. We had to go to war. Again I didn't say anything about Iraq. We were thrown into war with terrorists and went to root them out of their holes where ever they were. Now maybe Obama would have apologized for offending the terrorist and sit back and do nothing but he wasn't the president at the time.

Also - We live in America and can buy any car we want. If you want a bio diesel car - GOOD FOR YOU! But someone else may want to drive a gas guzzler. I am sure you would rather have BO regulate the type of car we drive also. That may happen if he gets another term. Then he can really become dictator in chief.