Gas Prices

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Californias Diane Feinstein listens to consumers and requests an FTC investigation into the outrageous gas prices at the pump. Finally, an investigation into the ridiculous creation of limited supply by the oil traders and driving up prices falsely.

Sen. Feinstein calls for FTC investigation into high Calif. gas prices - The Hill's E2-Wire

Now, like magic, prices will fall quickly in order for the oil people to get themselves off the hot seat.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I paid $2 a gallon less than Governor Brown's state the other day. A real leader would have put a moratorium on the California gas tax to ease the pain at the pump. Way to go Brown!


Again, it all boils down to a choice of lifestyle. People for the most part have a choice as to where they live in relation to their workplace. People have a choice as to where they go to shop and recreate, and people have a choice as to the fuel-efficiency of the vehicle they drive on a daily basis.

There are many of my coworkers who made a choice to live 30 or 40 miles or more from where we report to work each day, and they made an additional choice to make that daily commute in a brand new full sized truck or SUV that they supposedly "need" to pull their fancy boat or RV or whatever. I tend to turn a deaf ear when I hear them whining about spending $200 a week on gas when the most basic common sense would seem to dictate that fuel prices will inevitably continue to rise.

Right now a lot of people have no choice of finding a job that they live close to...they have to find a job where they can. And I was talking about people who cant afford it. My brother just took a job a few months ago that is almost an hour one way. I guess that was his choice, but he could just go on welfare because there are no jobs around here. Seeing him struggle to make ends meet is tough. The one thing I hear from him constantly is fuel cost. See my brother has no RV, fancy boat, full size truck, or whatever as you stated. What he does have is 2 kids that he has to provide for, so yea I think lower fuel cost would help a lot of people. Even trying to push more fuel friendly cars...who can afford em? Who can take on a car payment when they are living paycheck to paycheck? Thats people I was talking about.


True enough.

I just hope we leave them with a world worth living in. At the rate at which we continue to strip-mine the planet for cheap and dirty energy, it is an open question whether we will or not.

This planet is over 4.5 billion years old...I think it will be fine.


I paid $2 a gallon less than Governor Brown's state the other day. A real leader would have put a moratorium on the California gas tax to ease the pain at the pump. Way to go Brown!

Thats what happens when Dems run cost up and bankrupt!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
This planet is over 4.5 billion years old...I think it will be fine.

The planet itself might be "fine" but what about our grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will be living on it in 50 or 100 years? What sort of world will they inherit from us? At the rate we are going...what they will inherit is a polluted, war-torn, bankrupt and overcrowded planet that has been strip mined of its remaining energy sources. We wont leave them any oil, we will only leave them with our debt.


Well-Known Member
Californians should start to see some relief as the state has decided to convert to winter-grade gasoline now rather than wait until Oct. 31.

Sober, I think what you will see in the future is one central government with districts, similar to the world depicted in the movie "The Hunger Games". Each district will have its own distinct identity and will produce goods and services for the benefit of all.


The Nim
What really needs to be done is a balance of "green" and "fossil". We can't just drop fossil and go green. We need to use the fossil to the best of our ability to keep costs low while at the same time developing "green" sources of energy.

Some of the green energy has promise, but the technology isn't quite there yet, so while that is developed we need to keep using what we've been using in the fossil market.


bella amicizia
We need to go back to glass bottles for soda and milk. Don't buy plastics, if you can help it. These little things can help.

I buy milk at Byrne Dairy because of the glass jugs. :bigsmile2:


bella amicizia
Under $4.00 in some places around Chicago!!!
It's hovering around $4 here, but for what we do for this world, it way to friend^5@ing high!!!!! Not to mention, we are being taken advantage of by the oil companies. I firmly believe it. Do I have a link to post, no. Just my gut feeling.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Californians should start to see some relief as the state has decided to convert to winter-grade gasoline now rather than wait until Oct. 31.

Sober, I think what you will see in the future is one central government with districts, similar to the world depicted in the movie "The Hunger Games". Each district will have its own distinct identity and will produce goods and services for the benefit of all.

I disagree.

Our future will be less like "Hunger Games" and a lot more like the "Road Warrior". This is me in 15 years, hiking down the road with my dog and my sawed off 12 gauge, looking for gas to fill up my Prius.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
NO, the future of california will look like this when gas runs out..


Electric cars are HUGE here. Hybrids are everywhere and that is whats causing the drop in consumption of oil in california. Because of that drop in consumption, oil companies are selling our fuel to mexico instead of stockpiling it and lowering the price.




Well-Known Member
I disagree.

Our future will be less like "Hunger Games" and a lot more like the "Road Warrior". This is me in 15 years, hiking down the road with my dog and my sawed off 12 gauge, looking for gas to fill up my Prius.

:wink2: I disagree--by that time Obama , Hillary and the U.N. will have already confiscated your gun.


Staff member
I disagree.

Our future will be less like "Hunger Games" and a lot more like the "Road Warrior". This is me in 15 years, hiking down the road with my dog and my sawed off 12 gauge, looking for gas to fill up my Prius.
I don't think Max had a Prius. Didn't he have "the LAST V-8"???!!!
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