Gas Prices

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Most of the problems with gas prices in California are a result of the bureaucrats and regulators in Sacramento. " Two recent studies have confirmed what the Register's Editorial Board has warned since 2006 – California's Global Warming Solutions Act will have devastating effects on the state's economy, and even be counterproductive in its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."---CALIFORNIA'S FUEL POLICIES ARE --JACKED UP" ------ Furthermore, Governor Brown wants to raise taxes and this will drive more businesses out of the State!!--- This is what happens when liberalism runs rampant!!--- Editorial: How to choke California's economy | california, fuel, study - Opinion - The Orange County Register

again... baloney for sale and only the right wing buys it. Did you MISS the statement from the oil spokesman who stated "THEY" sold all the EXCESS OIL and FUEL to MEXICO in order to prevent drilling stoppages and layoffs?

These current high prices have NOTHING to do with sacramento, OBAMA or policy.

It was a SELF CREATED CALAMITY in order to increase profits, plain and simple. The petroleum spokesman stated they had a "GLUT" of oil in california and simply SOLD it.

That reduced supply and then they created thier own disaster and shut down the refineries creating a shortfall and raising prices afterwards. Since the announcement of a federal investigation, gas prices at the pump have dropped 16 cents in 9 days. Prices will continue to drop at a pace of 8 cents a week, 2 cents a day and at the end of the day at that.

There clearly needs to be MORE REGULATIONS on oil companies and refiners to control prices so customers are not RIPPED off in the future.

But, heck, why let reality stand in your way, continue to blame politicians, it fits the brainwashing.




golden ticket member
Sounds like life really sucks for you. How about if they had a place for your mini pincher AND your mini Cooper?

Wait, you don't work, so why would you care about saving money for those who do?

Altruism isn't your strong suit.

I have never owned a mini-pincher in my entire life !! So, maybe you should pay closer attention!!


bella amicizia
Sounds like life really sucks for you. How about if they had a place for your mini pincher AND your mini Cooper?

Wait, you don't work, so why would you care about saving money for those who do?

Altruism isn't your strong suit.
She's retired, as is her husband. Are you suggesting mothers and homemakers don't work? My mother worked her a*s off, as I am sure More did (especially considering she was the wife of a UPS manager). He, most likely, put in as many hours a week as my father did. I saw with my own eyes how hard a business agent, who actually does his job, works. About 70 hours a week. Who is keeping the house and home going and the family fed and happy? That would be a Mom.
Don't say homemakers don't work. That is an insult.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
She's retired, as is her husband. Are you suggesting mothers and homemakers don't work? My mother worked her a*s off, as I am sure More did (especially considering she was the wife of a UPS manager). He, most likely, put in as many hours a week as my father did. I saw with my own eyes how hard a business agent, who actually does his job, works. About 70 hours a week. Who is keeping the house and home going and the family fed and happy? That would be a Mom.
Don't say homemakers don't work. That is an insult.

Sounds like "a war on women" to me...

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I thought I liked to stir the pot! :rofl:

Your good at that...without being nasty...i like that. th_ru9z4y.gif


Strength through joy
The easiest fix to our gasoline crisis is for this country to have only one blend available.
If you wish to add ethanol to it , then make it a personal option .


Well-Known Member
The easiest fix to our gasoline crisis is for this country to have only one blend available.
If you wish to add ethanol to it , then make it a personal option .

So you are saying the fix to the problem is to further restrict market choices from what they are now? If that works so well, why not limit everything to one choice? But what if doing so meant that FedEx was chosen over UPS or the USPS was chosen over both FDX and UPS? How would you feel then?


golden ticket member
Just to be clear for the dummies who think I had the lap of luxury.......I did, thanks to the fact that I held many jobs when we were moving with my hubby's career at UPS.

My last job was realtor in Salt Lake........not cashier at a 7-11 or ticket taker at an events center .. Those are honorable jobs......but I had to get my license for real estate don't just become one overnight!!

I have mentioned my dog many times and you still don't get the details the correct details and a bunch of lies.
I mistook Tooner's dog years ago and she set me straight and I've never forgotten it. Her's is a white Dobie
a ghost dog and not so common. You owe it to people to remember what they tell you.

You can always use sticky notes to remember things. Write the crap down so you can get it right in the future.

Like, Storm is in Central PA.
Hubrat loves key lime pie
MJAYRITE is from Virginia
Speeddemon is Alabama
purple rayn is Hawaii
KDB is Cedar Falls Iowa
Remember the couple from the chat that loved Capt. Morgan....I do
Goodview is from Shenandoah Valley Virgnia Feeders
Ama5164 was Ontario Canada
Quest was Oakland CA.
xracer ws upstate New York
Tapped was Mass.
Doug was Asheville, N.C.
Golfer was Louisville, Kentucky

Just to show you that people come & go, but they all left a little piece of themslves with me !!

You are a newbie (r.r.)........earn your bones.


Lue C Fur

Evil member
The easiest fix to our gasoline crisis is for this country to have only one blend available.
If you wish to add ethanol to it , then make it a personal option .

I agree. When your forced to put Ethanol in your car and its less efficient and the performance degrades but your paying the same price as gas without Ethanol then i have a problem. Im still trying to find gas stations in my area that dont have Ethanol in them. This is a good website that might help those who dont like Ethanol: Just click on your state and city.

Remember that Ethanol is really bad for small gas engines. If you have to use it then you better add Stabil or some other gas additive that combats the effects of Ethanol.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The smaller the government the better off we are.

I would rather see the government create a "prize" for business to come up with low cost alternatives to our current energy alternatives. Let the private sector figure out alternatives to minimize our dependency on oil.

I feel pretty confident that the answer has not been invented yet..... but it will be!