Gas Prices


golden ticket member
You can offer any explanation, but most of us stupid Americans hold the guy in charge in the blame for everthig bad !! If it was a Republican in office....he/she would be blamed for everything happening now!! Obama is teflon-coated or he's like duck's back and he seems to roll everything onto some sucker's back.
I entered "Obama the Teflon President" in my Yahoo search and too many articles came to choose one !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its amazing how deep in the mud you will go to find an excuse for the prices of gas in california. The record is clear, the oil companies and refiners had a "GLUT" of oil in california. That "GLUT" put them into a situation. Either shut down oil wells and stop producing to prevent a further "GLUT" and layoff employees, or SELL THE OIL TO MEXICO and take inventory below daily supply.

They chose to sell the oil to mexico, then created their own calamity and shut down refineries anyways.

So, instead of lowering prices with stockpiles of oil, they RAISED prices by selling off all the excess oil held in california.

A federal investigation has been launched and Diane Feinstein is the driving force behind the investigation. Since, prices have fallen 16 cents in a week since the investigation was announced...


I know, its obamas fault, that makes sense to you.




golden ticket member
I need none of your explanations !! I take my car to the pumps locally and am paying almost $5 a gal. It's so much fun watching the gallons tick off with me going five, ten, fifteen, twenty, etc.

I feel like I'm a kid again and counting off , 'til I can go tag you!!


Well-Known Member
I need none of your explanations !! I take my car to the pumps locally and am paying almost $5 a gal. It's so much fun watching the gallons tick off with me going five, ten, fifteen, twenty, etc.

I feel like I'm a kid again and counting off , 'til I can go tag you!!

I paid $3.45 but then I'm not paying for the illusion of an address either.


Active Member
I need none of your explanations !! I take my car to the pumps locally and am paying almost $5 a gal. It's so much fun watching the gallons tick off with me going five, ten, fifteen, twenty, etc.

I feel like I'm a kid again and counting off , 'til I can go tag you!!
I think Mitt,er Willard,might say this is the FREE MARKET at work..Anytime any regulation that the right claims kills business they SCream Let the FREE MARKET work!!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I was actually wondering about this myself. When it goes up, its always a hurricane, a refinery fire etc. I know its 45 cents cheaper than it was 2 weeks ago. I love it but why? I have always heard the president has no control over gas prices, so there is nothing that position can do to control it. So why is it 3.40, from 3.80, in two weeks in Ohio, yet it got to 5 and over in CA?
And Ive always wondered why it can be so different from state to state.


Well-Known Member
I was actually wondering about this myself. When it goes up, its always a hurricane, a refinery fire etc. I know its 45 cents cheaper than it was 2 weeks ago. I love it but why? I have always heard the president has no control over gas prices, so there is nothing that position can do to control it. So why is it 3.40, from 3.80, in two weeks in Ohio, yet it got to 5 and over in CA?
And Ive always wondered why it can be so different from state to state.

California has refinery issues which has caused a supply shortage.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Most of the gas price discussion is from all the wonks Talking Points. Drilling is up - it is down - permits are up - no they are down etc etc.

My theory is still because of Obama but only in part because of the moratorium on drilling permits.

The middle east still produces 40% + of the world's oil. Oil is traded in DOLLARS. When you print more $$$ to pay off our debt (Obama's fault - spend spend spend) then you devalue the DOLLAR. Oil is like a world wide currency and the middle east sheiks won't allow you to pay for a barrel of oil with devalued $$$ SO they raise the price of oil based on the amount that the DOLLAR is devalued.

Our DOLLAR seems strong because the Euro is so weak in comparison but let's be clear, the DOLLAR is weak because of our economy and debt crisis.

If the US enables drilling permits in the Gulf and on land, builds the pipeline and becomes a stronger economy, we will see prices at the pump decrease dramatically.


Well-Known Member
Most of the problems with gas prices in California are a result of the bureaucrats and regulators in Sacramento. " Two recent studies have confirmed what the Register's Editorial Board has warned since 2006 – California's Global Warming Solutions Act will have devastating effects on the state's economy, and even be counterproductive in its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."---CALIFORNIA'S FUEL POLICIES ARE --JACKED UP" ------ Furthermore, Governor Brown wants to raise taxes and this will drive more businesses out of the State!!--- This is what happens when liberalism runs rampant!!--- Editorial: How to choke California's economy | california, fuel, study - Opinion - The Orange County Register


golden ticket member
Most of the problems with gas prices in California are a result of the bureaucrats and regulators in Sacramento. " Two recent studies have confirmed what the Register's Editorial Board has warned since 2006 – California's Global Warming Solutions Act will have devastating effects on the state's economy, and even be counterproductive in its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."---CALIFORNIA'S FUEL POLICIES ARE --JACKED UP" ------ Furthermore, Governor Brown wants to raise taxes and this will drive more businesses out of the State!!--- This is what happens when liberalism runs rampant!!--- Editorial: How to choke California's economy | california, fuel, study - Opinion - The Orange County Register

We're not suppose to worry because Gov. Moonbeam is going to save our tails with a bullet train because everybody wants to go to Bakersfield after we drive to Madera first!! !! NOT!!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
We're not suppose to worry because Gov. Moonbeam is going to save our tails with a bullet train because everybody wants to go to Bakersfield after we drive to Madera first!! !! NOT!!!

Sounds like life really sucks for you. How about if they had a place for your mini pincher AND your mini Cooper?

Wait, you don't work, so why would you care about saving money for those who do?

Altruism isn't your strong suit.