Gas Prices


Well-Known Member
My Prius holds about 11 gallons in the tank and gets around 45 MPG or so.

Usually when I fill up I am buying around 8 or 9 gallons of gas---which means that a $.20 price difference between stations comes out to an extra $1.75 or so.

What that means to me is that I dont even pay attention to how much a particular station is charging for fuel, I just go wherever the line is shortest or to the station that I can easily access with a right-turn in, right-turn out. As far as the extra $1.75 goes, I have more than that in loose change rattling around in the cupholder.

My father (not my Dad) would drive miles away just to save a few pennies a gallon. My explanation of how it was actually costing him more fell on deaf ears. "Damn it, I saved $.05/gallon. Yeah, I drove 40 miles R/T to do it, but I saved $1."

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Gas in california has fallen below 4 bucks a gallon and continues to drop 6 cents a week every week. prices are continuing to fall and expected to drop to close to 3.25 by the end of next month. With the exception of the latest increase in a barrel of oil thanks to the ISRAELI bombings of gaza, gas prices arent expected to rise anymore.

Look for a price per barrel to go below 80 bucks in the coming weeks.

But wait? Wheres MORELUCK on prices in california?? Wheres her Stewart Varney claim of 5 bucks a gallon??

The awkward silence is overwhelming.




Retired 23 years
Gas in california has fallen below 4 bucks a gallon and continues to drop 6 cents a week every week. prices are continuing to fall and expected to drop to close to 3.25 by the end of next month. With the exception of the latest increase in a barrel of oil thanks to the ISRAELI bombings of gaza, gas prices arent expected to rise anymore.

Look for a price per barrel to go below 80 bucks in the coming weeks.

But wait? Wheres MORELUCK on prices in california?? Wheres her Stewart Varney claim of 5 bucks a gallon??

The awkward silence is overwhelming.



Seriously---is that what they are blaming for this latest spike in gas prices? They seem to be running out of flimsy excuses.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
go hug a tree------------jk

The last tree I "hugged" was the dead one that I cut into firewood with my chain saw and loaded into the back of my friend-250 4x4 that gets 12MPG.

Not all Prius drivers are granola eating tree-huggers. Some of us just want to drive a nice car that gets 50MPG.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There you go ...blaming the naughty Jews .
What's next global warming ?

Im not blaming the jews, wall street is blaming the jews.. the price per barrel was expected to rise 10 bucks a barrel if a ground invasion had started.

Those were the traders talking, not that you would know anything about that.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
My Prius holds about 11 gallons in the tank and gets around 45 MPG or so.

Usually when I fill up I am buying around 8 or 9 gallons of gas---which means that a $.20 price difference between stations comes out to an extra $1.75 or so.

What that means to me is that I dont even pay attention to how much a particular station is charging for fuel, I just go wherever the line is shortest or to the station that I can easily access with a right-turn in, right-turn out. As far as the extra $1.75 goes, I have more than that in loose change rattling around in the cupholder.

I could never give my corvette up. The car has been one of the most economical cars I have owned. I get anywhere from 29 MPG to 32 MPG at 82MPH on the road. I don't go through tires, the insurance is cheap. It is a fun car to drive and comfortable on long trips and can pass any vehicle in a blink of the eye. Did I say it gets 29 to 32 MPG on the road? !!!

Please keep buying those Prius cars so guys like me can own those muscle cars! :w00t:


Pees in the brown Koolaid
There you go ...blaming the naughty Jews .
What's next global warming ?

Lets pretend for a moment that there is no such thing as man-made global warming.

That does not change the fact that there is "x" amount of recoverable fossil fuel beneath the surface of this planet, and we have already consumed "y" of it. Every single day that passes decreases the difference between "x" and "y" by however many million of barrels of crude oil we choose to consume.

The math is so brutally simple that even a right-wing Republican can grasp it. Once "x"="y", then its game over. No more fuel. Zip, zero,zilch, nada. We can "drill here drill now" all we want but once its gone its gone forever, and all the money on earth cant buy what no longer exists.

So the question becomes this; do we continue using it up like there is no tomorrow and let our grandchildren or great grandchildren figure out how to keep an oil-dependent society functioning with no oil, or do we start conserving now so that the inevitable transition to an oil-free economy will be a smooth one? Remember that this is not a question of "if", only a question of "when."

Global warming is a whole other issue entirely. Preventing global warming is a legitimate reason on its own to shift away from carbon-based energy sources, but even if you think its a bunch of mularkey you cannot escape the immutable fact that oil is a finite resource and that we probably owe it to future generations to at least try to save a little bit for them.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Just how many do you think he has ?
And what about the one that had to be amended after his second father adopted him ?

Whether you like it or not, Obama will be our President for the next 4 years.

Rather than continue in pointless bickering over birth certificates, perhaps the Republicans should focus on why they havent been able to nominate an electable candidate.

Im no huge fan of Obama...but Mitt Romney? Really? And before him, a ticket with Sarah Palin on it?

Give me a reason to vote Republican, and I might just do it. You have a few years to figure it out. Until then, I could really care less about Obamas birth certificate.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
That does not change the fact that there is "x" amount of recoverable fossil fuel beneath the surface of this planet, and we have already consumed "y" of it. Every single day that passes decreases the difference between "x" and "y" by however many million of barrels of crude oil we choose to consume.y on earth cant buy what no longer exists.

There are other points of view on whether the earth is running out of oil or not and even oil being a renewable resource--

The Earth is not running out of oil and likely never will.

Is oil a renewable resource?

I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't conserve, find cleaner solutions and or take care of the planet but "X" and "Y" could be different than you describe.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Lets pretend for a moment that there is no such thing as man-made global warming.

That does not change the fact that there is "x" amount of recoverable fossil fuel beneath the surface of this planet, and we have already consumed "y" of it. Every single day that passes decreases the difference between "x" and "y" by however many million of barrels of crude oil we choose to consume.

The math is so brutally simple that even a right-wing Republican can grasp it. Once "x"="y", then its game over. No more fuel. Zip, zero,zilch, nada. We can "drill here drill now" all we want but once its gone its gone forever, and all the money on earth cant buy what no longer exists.

So the question becomes this; do we continue using it up like there is no tomorrow and let our grandchildren or great grandchildren figure out how to keep an oil-dependent society functioning with no oil, or do we start conserving now so that the inevitable transition to an oil-free economy will be a smooth one? Remember that this is not a question of "if", only a question of "when."

Global warming is a whole other issue entirely. Preventing global warming is a legitimate reason on its own to shift away from carbon-based energy sources, but even if you think its a bunch of mularkey you cannot escape the immutable fact that oil is a finite resource and that we probably owe it to future generations to at least try to save a little bit for them.

The department of Energy was created in the 1970's to lesson our dependence on oil.
Look at what they have done since then with all the money they have spent:

NOT ONE DAMN THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The department of Energy was created in the 1970's to lesson our dependence on oil.
Look at what they have done since then with all the money they have spent:

NOT ONE DAMN THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You blame the dept of energy for todays problems with oil??

Sheesh bro, better open your history books and find out what reagan and bush did to de regulate the oil industry and how that destroyed oil prices as you know them.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
B Hussein and Timmy G like to print money to pay off our debt to China forcing inflation to drive up the price of oil because of the devalued $.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What's happening???

San Clemente, CA Regular Gas Price
Average: $4.04
Lowest: $3.87
Highest: $4.22

Its called getting ripped off, but to a republican, its called free market capitalism.

for the last 10 february's, OIL has always increased in big jumps. Its market manipulation by the oil companies right after posting the highest profits in the last 15 years.

They know that the price of oil is going to plunge in the coming months due to IRAQI oil coming online in the world market so they are gouging us today in order to "walk it back" over a longer period of time.

Its the same old racket with the oil industry. Without further regulation, the oil companies will get away with murder even though we are sitting on stockpiles of reserves and exporting more oil than we are importing to this country.

