
The last thing we want to hear is to be lectured about debt by those right of center. Your former leadership has accumulated TRILLIONS in dumb war debt/wasteful military spending, lost revenue in the form of Tax Cuts, TARP, and a Rx handout bill over the next ten years,...

Hey ya'll my name is Obama. And have I got some change for you. I'm going to piss away so much money I'll make bush look like a tightwad


Staff member
That has not worked in the history of mankind, what has changed that makes you think it will work now?
Perhaps a short history lesson in the political and economic ballet of the roaring 20's leading up to the Great Depression would change your mind. Or maybe looking back only 30 years ago when President Reagan and his huge domestic spending on millitary projects. Face the simple fact that governments are the single largest spender of capital in any economic system and it becomes clear that without that fatcat customer the economy tanks.


Staff member
Hey ya'll my name is Obama. And have I got some change for you. I'm going to piss away so much money I'll make bush look like a tightwad
Well ya'll were strangely silent while Bush did it. Or is this simply a double standard that the right claims to hate so much. You could put my argument to rest, however. Since you've been here since May of 2000 perhaps there are just dozens of posts in that decade where you rail against the wild spending Republicans or their unfunded wars. I would wager there aren't but I'm more than willing to be shown that I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
The last thing we want to hear is to be lectured about debt by those right of center. Your former leadership has accumulated TRILLIONS in dumb war debt/wasteful military spending, lost revenue in the form of Tax Cuts, TARP, and a Rx handout bill over the next ten years, with no attempt to pay it back except to blame the next Administration for repairations, and silent expectations of our younger generation to pay up......That's not even mentioning the Free Market "tanked" under your watch. Financial Institutions have been bailed out to kick start the economy, but instead of administering loan apps, exec's were more eager for larger bonus's saved from the taxpayer's dime.....

Let's look forward....Start dates November 2008 or January 2009. After hearing the jobless claims are up again today. People are talking about the wasteful spending last year....And that tax cuts maybe the only way to add jobs. (It has worked in the past) Now tax cuts on top of the wasteful spending, not looking good. Face it, the only reason democrats hate tax cut is because they lose control.


golden ticket member
It seems the idiot has surrounded himself with others who can't. At least a 'smart' prez would surround himself/herself with people who can. No, when it came time for him to pick his people, he was picking friends and such.....that's why he flounders and his staff makes big mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Well ya'll were strangely silent while Bush did it. Or is this simply a double standard that the right claims to hate so much. You could put my argument to rest, however. Since you've been here since May of 2000 perhaps there are just dozens of posts in that decade where you rail against the wild spending Republicans or their unfunded wars. I would wager there aren't but I'm more than willing to be shown that I am wrong.

Very true, you made excellent points but also consider this. During that Republican spending spree, especially on the war, they were rarely alone but even worse was how so many democrats talked about the need for fiscal control, even Ted Kennedy of all people on several occassions warned of lack of fiscal responsibility but yet what has happened when the new owners moved in? The hypocrisy goes both ways here and I think one of the reasons the independent numbers that took the democrats to heaven are dropping like rocks and thus the repubs are spinning up the tea parties trying to appear as something else hoping to re-con (pun intended) them back into their corner.

When it comes to unfunded wars, I don't think you've got much room to chastise the republicans yourself and now I see our Noble Prize winner for Peace, President O-Bomb-A is now out to jack up the nuclear option. Your messiah is bringing hope to all the wrong places for what he pretends to be!

Howard Zinn is correct when observing events, always ask, who benefits?

Follow the money!

“If those in charge of our society - politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves.” Howard Zinn


Well-Known Member
In the false light of day, when the jackals that claim truth present them to us, we see


But remove the false light, remove the court jackals and the truth is revealed



Well-Known Member
The record spending cap needs to be raised again.
barry is again running out of our money.

I would urge everyone to call or write your representatives and encourage this increase in the Federal Debt ceiling and do everything to continue to urge your gov't to hemmorage money and enslave your future generations. It is our belief backed up by long historical fact that so doing will result in your nation's ultimate bankruptcy which is the WMD we launched on you ignorant nation back in 2001'. Your self inflicted destruction will be our victory!

Osama bin Laden and the al Qaeda council of leaders

If it wasn't so damn obvious, this purely satirical quote would be funny !


Well ya'll were strangely silent while Bush did it. Or is this simply a double standard that the right claims to hate so much. You could put my argument to rest, however. Since you've been here since May of 2000 perhaps there are just dozens of posts in that decade where you rail against the wild spending Republicans or their unfunded wars. I would wager there aren't but I'm more than willing to be shown that I am wrong.

I think you can keep pointing at Bush all you want but if Obama does not deliver on that change then he'll be blamig bush from the sidelines.


The record spending cap needs to be raised again.
barry is again running out of our money.

Barry has not even spent the first 800 billion yet but is already working on his next stimulus "jobs" bill. This will also be a stimulus bill but will not be called one since the first stimulus bill was such a dud.


Staff member
I think you can keep pointing at Bush all you want but if Obama does not deliver on that change then he'll be blamig bush from the sidelines.
I said nothing of Bush. Simply saying that you on the right said nothing of Bush either. Obama is of the economic philosophy that the deficit is of lesser importance than the need for the government to keep the economy moving and he is doing so. The right has claimed fiscal responsibility and not putting it "off on our children" but have spent nearly as much on the country's credit card. Know of any "red" states sending all the money back? No, of course you don't. These "red" states (Rick Perry) know how absolutely bent over they would be without the Feds spending money on them.

That the wars are unfunded is certainly true. I think more to the point of my point of view was that Bush and his team didn't even include those expenditures in their "budgets". That is simply disingenuous, misguiding, and wrong.


I said nothing of Bush. Simply saying that you on the right said nothing of Bush either.

that line of bullschat may fly in the fdx barn amognst those with lesser brain activity but here it was clearly evident that your non comment was a comment on bush and his supporters.

Obama is of the economic philosophy that the deficit is of lesser importance than the need for the government to keep the economy moving and he is doing so.

yes that has been his defense so far. The problem with that defense is that the economy may be slowly turning around without any help from the government. The point being that very little of the committed stimulus money has been spent so far. With that in mind why then would we spend the rest of the 800 billion dollars and why would we committ to pissing away more money.

The second part of that argument is that spending money that does not need to be spent will only aid in adding further strain to an economy that is trying to turn around.

The right has claimed fiscal responsibility and not putting it "off on our children" but have spent nearly as much on the country's credit card. Know of any "red" states sending all the money back? No, of course you don't. These "red" states (Rick Perry) know how absolutely bent over they would be without the Feds spending money on them.

So now your back to blaming Bush for Obamas wasteful spending?

That the wars are unfunded is certainly true. I think more to the point of my point of view was that Bush and his team didn't even include those expenditures in their "budgets". That is simply disingenuous, misguiding, and wrong.

then hop in a time machine and go back and fix history. When you do don't forget to spend some time fixing congress where you will find Obama, nancy, joe and the cast of characters now in congress.

In the meantime the rest of us are trying to slow down the new tax and spend president who is lighting cigars with billion dollar bills.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps a short history lesson in the political and economic ballet of the roaring 20's leading up to the Great Depression would change your mind. Or maybe looking back only 30 years ago when President Reagan and his huge domestic spending on millitary projects. Face the simple fact that governments are the single largest spender of capital in any economic system and it becomes clear that without that fatcat customer the economy tanks.

Why I am familiar with the points in history you just mentioned, and oddly enough there isn't a shred of evidence to support your claims of government spending supporting an economy. To the contrary, here is plenty of evidence that government stimulus programs involving highly increased government spending prolongs recessions and depressions rather than shortening them.


Staff member
then hop in a time machine and go back and fix history. When you do don't forget to spend some time fixing congress where you will find Obama, nancy, joe and the cast of characters now in congress.

In the meantime the rest of us are trying to slow down the new tax and spend president who is lighting cigars with billion dollar bills.
Tie, I have offered you a chance to show that you have railed against wasteful spending in the previous administration. You have so far not done so. That's not blaming Bush, it's questioning you. If you can not do so, it sounds as if you are merely spewing partisan venom. And you can bash fedex all you like but why? Trying to change the subject? Rather sling mud than defend your position? Now you've been called out.


Tie, I have offered you a chance to show that you have railed against wasteful spending in the previous administration. You have so far not done so. That's not blaming Bush, it's questioning you. If you can not do so, it sounds as if you are merely spewing partisan venom. And you can bash fedex all you like but why? Trying to change the subject? Rather sling mud than defend your position? Now you've been called out.

Thats what I thought you can't defend Obama. Keep dancing.


Staff member
Why I am familiar with the points in history you just mentioned, and oddly enough there isn't a shred of evidence to support your claims of government spending supporting an economy. To the contrary, here is plenty of evidence that government stimulus programs involving highly increased government spending prolongs recessions and depressions rather than shortening them.
Actually the Reagan bit is the most interesting. It was the first time I had ever heard the phrase "Keynesian shot" and it came from the Democrats trying to tell Reagan that he couldn't "spend his way out of a recession". ink And he dumped a huge amount of money into the millitary industrial complex. In fact I think I just received my first dollar that finally trickled down from 1981.

I believe it was Hoover that pulled back on spending in a fiscally conservative fashion helping to spur on the Great Depression along with protectionist legislation (listen up Pat Buchanan).