bella amicizia
How do you know how long it will take to heal? How do you know how the long the comp/court/approval process will take? It's all subjective. Nothing is written in stone. I had no idea I would be out this long. There are so many variables in this process. It's very easy to side-line quarterback. Very Easy. I hope you are never in the position I am in with the vultures, I mean, the part-timers circling licking their chops hoping you are permanently hurt, so that you can't come back to work. Drooling over your misfortune. I really hope you never have to go through ABSOLUTE BULL**** that I have been through. I hope you never have to endure this. But, if you did, you tune would change. No doubt in my mind.I don't know what the bid time is here, but I'll use 2 years. If I knew that I would not be back to work for 2 years why should I bid? By the time I get back it'll be time to bid again. I wouldn't be losing my full time position by not bidding, I just potentially wouldn't have a standard route when I got back. Now if I would be losing out on FT status I'd be fighting like hell to bid.
I certainly view things differently than a lot of people here, I know what the system is now, and know it's probably not going to change. So at this point it's just a disagreement of how we think things should be done with nothing changed in the end.
Have a great day, Nimnim.