so are you saying you dont have gab time with other people in management? or take that extra long lunch break or whatever the things youre gripping about hourlies doing..youre stealing time just as well when you do the above things...
its like the same stuff with its a grounds for termination for dishonesty for hourlies but with management they lie everyday and get paid to do it..
this is why we enforce supervisors working because its always a double standard with management
altstewie, like so many others I have talked to on this board, and at work, you don't get it.
Yes, there is a double standard on this time issue. But not in the way you think. It is not hypocrisy. There are, in fact, two separate standards for the way time is treated for hourlies and management. When you are on the clock, UPS is expected to pay you for each and every hundredth of an hour that you are on the clock. If UPS fails to do so, there are penalties. Likewise, when you are on the clock, you are expected to be working for UPS each and every hundredth of an hour you are being paid for (apart from the agreed upon paid breaks) Now, if you need to use the facilities or get a drink, that is no big deal. So there is accepted amounts of time when you are being paid, it is not a break, and you are not working in UPS' best interest. The problem comes in when this open to interpretation gray area starts to get abused. And it gets abused a ton, at least in my experience.
Now, I have been known to take a long lunch, and to chat with other supervisors, sometimes not about work, while at work. Here is the key difference - I am not on the clock. There is no clock. How can I be stealing time when I am not on the clock? I am expected to work in the best interest of UPS, I am a part owner and partner in the business and I am assigned by the people I report to things that I am responsible for getting accomplished. If I can get them done while chatting, and really only working a good solid 5 hours in a day, then my bosses really have no reason to be concerned about the other 5 hours. If however, I cannot get it all done without working 24 hours in a day, then my bosses have no qualms about me working the 24 hours every day, they will just tell me I need to work on my time management skills. Either way, I get paid the same. And if my boss ever decides I am not pulling my weight, am not working hard enough, if I am as you say, "stealing time", he does not need to go through a bunch of hoops, call in a steward, or any of that mess. He can just call up HR and say this dude is fired, gone history, off the payroll please.
So altsewie, I am sorry to be the one to point this out to you, but it is YOU who have the double standard. You feel the management should be treated just like you are when it comes to working every minute while "on the clock" but should absolutely not be treated like you are when it comes to them grabbing a package and moving it into a car or feeder.
In reality, they should be treated differently than you are in both situations, because they have a different role in the organization and under the contract.