getting paid for supervisors working?

City Driver

Well-Known Member
i dont know why you guys put the time and effort into writing these essays back and forth, do you even read them? i know i dont, and im not sure anybody else does either


Well-Known Member

This guy isn't a Union member or even a UPS employee anymore. Go over to TeamsterNet and look up posts by scb. He was booted from that board for hijacking every thread with these long ridiculous posts about evil Unions, even if that was completely off topic...May as well go ahead and put him on ignore to save your bandwidth or you will be sorry:wink2:.


Well-Known Member

This yet another typical example of "Teamster Truth", is it "Dark_Team? [grin!]

Tell me, why is it that Teamsters can't seem to open their mouths without telling a lie? Is abandoning the truth now part of the membership oath? Or could you tell me in particular why *YOU* chose to lie now? I really am interested in understanding why.


Well-Known Member
I hate my fellow co-workers doing that and get pissed off because its leaving me with more work. And youre the supervisor you go through the steps that it takes to get this fired and get someone here who wants to work. Its not that hard. Just follow the procedures as prescribes the contract says and presto you wont have people texting and chatting on the phone. I can't believe that goes on in your building. In our building if that happens, it a definitely a verbal warning and then written and then the suspensions. Im guessing since its a repeating occurence, youre not doing anything to prevent this from happening. Have a strong deterrence like in our building and youll see how fast people stop texting. But my thoughts are that youre probably in a building where the part-time rookie rate is only 8.50 and minimum wage is near that, you might have a population who doesnt want to work that hard for that small rate and also wait a year for paid holidays and benefits.

You are correct that we should be much better at holding people accountable to keep working than we are. There has been a huge culture of complacency built into this operation, it is a daily struggle.

You are incorrect when you say the steps are not that hard. They are very complex and take huge amounts of time that I have to spend AFTER all other aspects of running the operation are over, so to do it correctly I have to spend extra time for which I do not get extra pay. It is set up that way on purpose, it is not supposed to be easy to fire people, even when they deserve it.

Look at your own opening post, you talk about the run around you get trying to get a simple, straight forward grievance paid, how difficult is that? The firing process is even more convoluted and the run around that goes through the stewards to the BA, to the labor dept. and back again is 100x worse.

I understand it is my responsibility, I am working on it, but you are being naive if you think it is a trivial simple thing. If it were a trivial simple thing to fire a union employee, even one who deserved it, you should be demanding your dues back.


Well-Known Member
i dont know why you guys put the time and effort into writing these essays back and forth, do you even read them? i know i dont, and im not sure anybody else does either

I know what your saying I don't read them either I I just guess whatthe person said before I responed and hope that I'm on theright subject.


Dis-organized Labor

I did do my job. My first 3 years at ups i was one of the top preloaders in the building with a 4 car pull in front of the belt pulling anywhere from 700-1100 a day. I was the show off kid making these older guys look bad. I was an antiunion guy as well, I didn't understand what it did for me as it took 30 dollars a month from me. Guess what happened to me? I messed up my back pretty bad, What did management do for me..

They decided it was from outside of work since I was an athlete. A runner. I took them to court had a back specialist, my family doctor, and 2 physical therapist against their one company paid for doctor and I won.

People dont grow some balls, they work safe and at a pace where the above doesnt happen to them.

Thanks Superstar, now UPS pays the tab for "the show off kid"?
What were you expecting "management to do for you"? Perhaps write you up for working too hard? You would've had a problem with that as well, I'm sure. Maybe we should've entered your posts into the evidence.
You sound like an Opportunist down deep. Do you also poach deer?


Well-Known Member
CityDriver & Dis-organized labor

First, "City";

H.m.m.m.....this "idiot" wonders how you could identify them as "essays" (differentiating them, say, from photographs) except by reading them to some extent.

Then again, if you're NOT reading them, then what's your problem? By that I mean that if you're NOT reading them (which, according to you, you aren't), then they wouldn't be taking up any of your time or your attention; in fact, you wouldn't even recognize them as "essays". And you most assuredly wouldn't have reason to berate that which didn't even cause you the momentary hassle of having to actually READ something, would you?

Anyway, "idiot" I may be....but I'm not so idiotic as to not recognize a bullsh_tter when one sputters in my face.

If you don't read my stuff, then fine and dandy; that's your prerogative. But please don't try to blow smoke up my hindquarters saying that you haven't when you obviously have (see some of my "essays" regarding "Teamster honesty" by way of reference)

Now "Dis";

Good for you! Far be it from me to wish to burden you with the imposition of having to read more than a quick blurb. After all, what's sand for, if not to stick one's head into?

Dis-organized Labor

CityDriver & Dis-organized labor

Now "Dis";

Good for you! Far be it from me to wish to burden you with the imposition of having to read more than a quick blurb. After all, what's sand for, if not to stick one's head into?

My point is that they are just too long. Can't you post short, succinct sentences? Perhaps you may not realize it, but human nature is such that most people would probably skip long, non-paragraphed, minimally punctuated, editorials such as some on this thread.

If you want my attention, give me something that doesn't appear to be agonizing to read.


Well-Known Member

Actually, I don't think I could post shorter, more succinct sentences; not, at least, if I want to do justice to the topics I write about. In fact, I sometimes feel that they're a little too "succinct" already. Nor am I particularly out to get the attention of those who aren't interested enough in a subject to give it voluntarily; that's just not my audience.

On the other hand, you're under no obligation to read or pay any attention whatsoever to anything that I might write here. It's your prerogative to simply ignore me if you choose....and I won't be the least bit upset if you choose to exercize it.


Nine Lives
On the other hand, you're under no obligation to read or pay any attention whatsoever to anything that I might write here. It's your prerogative to simply ignore me if you choose....and I won't be the least bit upset if you choose to exercise it.

Thanks ... I feel better now about never reading your posts.



This guy isn't a Union member or even a UPS employee anymore. Go over to TeamsterNet and look up posts by scb. He was booted from that board for hijacking every thread with these long ridiculous posts about evil Unions, even if that was completely off topic...May as well go ahead and put him on ignore to save your bandwidth or you will be sorry:wink2:.


It's scb, aka Scab. Teamsternet Troll.
98% of posts in the labor side, with union dissent.
The long-winded, babbling, epic rants of opinionated bullsh** does stink of him. Par for the course, of course. :biting: