Gift Horsing


Well-Known Member
I'll have to walk to the mail box !!!
That won't help my cause !
But thank you !!!
We have a feeder guy who keeps a diad pouch on his belt and keeps a flashlight in there and multi tool....he also has been known to keep a couple sticks of beef jerky as a snack...guess he can't wait to take a bite when he's in the tractor... Has to have it accessible when pretripping his set and checking couple and airlines...lmao


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Everyone knows part timers are under paid and under appreciated. I was making a joke. Lighten up you tool
Who said we don't appreciate them? By them not voting, we can sell them out, so we get more!

Thanks part timers! I would post more, but the paychecks fat and I got to get to the bank.