Global warming



Does this mean that all of these liberals that are so heavily invested in alternative energy are gonna be dumping their investments??? ;) because we all know why their is a hoax of global warming? ($$$$)


Well-Known Member
Judith Curry of the Georgia Institute of Technology and blogger at Climate Etc. talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about climate change. Curry argues that climate change is a "wicked problem" with a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the expected damage as well as the political and technical challenges of dealing with the phenomenon. She emphasizes the complexity of the climate and how much of the basic science remains incomplete. The conversation closes with a discussion of how concerned citizens can improve their understanding of climate change and climate change policy.

Judith Curry interviewed by Russ Roberts on EconTalk podcast

Great interview IMO on the issue of climate change regardless on where you come down on this issue.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
The fact that some people can't move beyond Al Gore in a climate debate speaks more about that person as opposed to speaking anything new on Al Gore.


Well-Known Member
if Al Gore would just go away people would quit ridiculing him. He ceased to be relevant many years ago.

There you go.

BTW: Seems to me in your statement you are contradicting yourself and that picking on Al only serves to feed an emotional response where lack of real knowledge may well be the root problem. The core of the debate is way beyond Al's pay grade.


nowhere special
There you go.

BTW: Seems to me in your statement you are contradicting yourself and that picking on Al only serves to feed an emotional response where lack of real knowledge may well be to root problem. The core of the debate is way beyond Al's pay grade.

No, my statement was a response to your statement. I wouldn't have commented if you had not brought up the issue.


Well-Known Member
The only people who take Al serious are mostly verbal spin doctors of political narratives. For the one time I might see Al's name mentioned among those who hold the global warming view, I see his name mentioned 20 times by a political opposition mostly related to the GOP. Everytime the temp hit below 32 degrees, here it comes. I've not been to Drudge but I'm betting somewhere in his page today will be weather stories. Not that I'm opposed to weather stories either but the whole thing is a framed political narrative as opposed to any real discussion of the facts of what is actually known. One of the reasons I posted Judith Curry's interview on Econ Talk above which I'm laying odds you never even gave the first thought of listening too.

Al Gore among the hardcore climate change folk is a joke. A midway carney who is all about selling the idea of a tax model to which he in turn built a commodity investment model (that's collapsed for the moment) on which he can profit. Gore's model doesn't make global warming go away, it would insure it because it creates a profit center in which CO2 for example would need to thrive into order for his market to grow. Why would you create a profit motive to something bad if the idea was to make it do away or could you be trying to create a monopoly? :surprised:

Go check out Al Gore's investment company Generation Investment Management and then read the white paper from Oct. 2013' still pushing for a commodity infrastructure for greenhouse gases.

You wanna discuss Al Gore? Then bone up and let's discuss his real motives and not feed the false dilemmas of political spin.