Global warming


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
oldngray, it would further your cause if you could link from a site that is not aligned with a pro oil group.

All of the links you provided have been debunked. Just like av8torntn, all you have given is editorials, no actual science. Never mind the outdated links.


nowhere special
What you fail to grasp is the rate of change. These changes which you claim are natural have never been at the rate they are changing. Again, the science is there. We know what effect greenhouse gases have in our atmosphere and we know how much human activity is adding to the atmosphere. Why that is so hard to understand, I do not know.

You can't claim change has never happened at the current rate. Climate data does not exist for a long enough time period to validate that assumption.


Well-Known Member
oldngray, it would further your cause if you could link from a site that is not aligned with a pro oil group.

All of the links you provided have been debunked. Just like av8torntn, all you have given is editorials, no actual science. Never mind the outdated links.

That's actually untrue also.


nowhere special
oldngray, it would further your cause if you could link from a site that is not aligned with a pro oil group.

All of the links you provided have been debunked. Just like av8torntn, all you have given is editorials, no actual science. Never mind the outdated links.

You claim debunked if the facts don't align with your own delusions. The true facts stand and your claims are the ones debunked.


Well-Known Member
Roadrunner I was thinking we could save some time if you just tell me what journal you prefer

That has nothing to do with the quotes you are claiming have been debunked but I think you know that.
You are the one who posted a link stating global temperatures have actually decreased the past 15 years. This graph made by the very scientist, you say refutes the data on climate change contradicts that. I know it's hard to admit when you are wrong. But you should try it sometime.


Well-Known Member
You are the one who posted a link stating global temperatures have actually decreased the past 15 years. This graph made by the very scientist, you say refutes the data on climate change contradicts that. I know it's hard to admit when you are wrong. But you should try it sometime.

You can see the data yourself. I know the truth hurts sometimes but it is right there for you and widely accepted by scientists. The reasons given for what they have termed a "climate pause" are pretty wide.

Just for arguments sake what scientist are you claiming that I said made that graph? I know the answer and I didn't. It would help things move along if you would try and be honest at the least. I know it's a little much to ask for an open mind.


Well-Known Member
What does blacklisted mean in the context of this forum mean anyway? And you can respond at any time to the peer reviewed articles that I linked to as I eagerly await your reply. No not really but give it your best shot.


nowhere special
You are the one who posted a link stating global temperatures have actually decreased the past 15 years. This graph made by the very scientist, you say refutes the data on climate change contradicts that. I know it's hard to admit when you are wrong. But you should try it sometime.


Well-Known Member
Oldngray since he doesn't seem to want to respond what they normally say is that doesn't matter. We are only concerned with trends. Is that about correct roadrunner?


nowhere special
Oldngray since he doesn't seem to want to respond what they normally say is that doesn't matter. We are only concerned with trends. Is that about correct roadrunner?

To them short term trends = global warming if it supports their case but if it doesn't then they say its just short term abnormality or merely weather. They can't let facts upset their inconvenient truth now can they?