Global warming


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
What does blacklisted mean in the context of this forum mean anyway? And you can respond at any time to the peer reviewed articles that I linked to as I eagerly await your reply. No not really but give it your best shot.
I'm in the queue, and cannot respond until my post is approved by the powers to be.

I have seen no links by you, or the wolf guy, that are to peer reviewed, scientific papers. Nor do I expect to.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
To them short term trends = global warming if it supports their case but if it doesn't then they say its just short term abnormality or merely weather. They can't let facts upset their inconvenient truth now can they?
Trends that cannot be explained by natural forces. Read the scientific papers.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So is that why you are avoiding your peer reviewed papers I posted that you asked for.

You really feel that the scientific process is a lie?
Please, I have seen nothing but editorials posted by you, and incomplete quotes. Link to the scientific, peer reviewed papers, or point me to the buried paper you posted.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Post a link instead of being obtuse. I'm in the queue and there is a 20 minute lapse before my posts show up. I've gone through a page of your posts and have seen no links to peer reviewed, scientific, articles.


Well-Known Member
Post a link instead of being obtuse. I'm in the queue and there is a 20 minute lapse before my posts show up. I've gone through a page of your posts and have seen no links to peer reviewed, scientific, articles.

One of the question I posed was what would your response be after one poster resorted to name calling and one pitched a fit. Well the answer turned out to be that you would just ignore it. Well can't say I'm all that surprised.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
One of the question I posed was what would your response be after one poster resorted to name calling and one pitched a fit. Well the answer turned out to be that you would just ignore it. Well can't say I'm all that surprised.
That's a peer reviewed paper?