Global warming

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Interesting how all the radical leftists were claiming the icebergs were melting and we were all going to drown. Well until confronted with facts. Now it's but but what about land ice. What a joke.

There is a big difference between ICE BERGS and land ice. Not that you would know.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Didn't you link to a think progress article? Stop being a science denier.
Too funny.

There is a difference between a progressive leaning news outlet and a study funded by Exxon.

The same people behind the denier movement were behind the 'tobacco is good for you' movement.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Interesting how all the radical leftists were claiming the icebergs were melting and we were all going to drown. Well until confronted with facts. Now it's but but what about land ice. What a joke.
You have yet to produce a fact. Distortion of facts?


RW talking points?


For a Libertarian, you sure are pro big business/coal/oil. You've fallen for their hype in a big way.

Let me ask you this, suppose that humans have absolutely no effect on the planet. Does that mean we should continue to pollute? Should we not reign in our filth before it contaminates our neighbors property?

Maybe you are just a pretend Libertarian.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
The Express is a real tabloid. The Guardian, which you called a tabloid, is not.

I thought you were smart enough to tell the difference between weather and climate?

Of course, if the trend continues in the UK, they will get the kind of climate that most countries at that latitude have. That would be climate change. Changing Gulf Stream and all. Warmer oceans changing the currents, affecting weather patterns, long term.. You know, actual science.


Well-Known Member
The Express is a real tabloid. The Guardian, which you called a tabloid, is not.

I thought you were smart enough to tell the difference between weather and climate?.

You really think the guardian is a broad sheet?

I know, I know it's not legitimate if you don't agree with it. Why do all the leftists have to be so close minded and intolerant?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Well queenie, read the comments from your Forbes article. They pretty much blow the non science out of the water.

Petroleum financed studies. Much like you folks did for tobacco.

You have become a joke. You obfuscate and misdirect.

I'm done with this thread. If you want a world where well being is second to profit, have at it.



If present trends continue, Earth's climate will be very different 100 years from now. Nearly all of the world's scientists agree on this. The only disagreement is about the amount and the rate of change.

Climatology is a very complex subject and the preceding is only a foretaste. An indepth report, written by 2,500 scientists from around the world, is available if you want to know more. The report was written by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
I guess me and you will never know????


Took you a while to dig all that crap up ? The point is it doesn't really matter how much scientific data or common sense there is on human activity affecting our planet. The right will come up with a thousand excuses and conspiracy theories to justify polluting this planet in the name of $. It doesn't take a scientist to see what we are doing but when the science is proven, it's a conspiracy. Drill baby drill!
Or the left who is heavily invested in green energy for said it best, it doesn't take a scientist to see what y'all are doing.