Global warming


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Seems to me that you meet the definition of hypocrite. I know from your past behavior that I can predict your future behavior and confidently say that you will have some excuse or blame someone besides yourself for your behavior. That should save you the time of coming up with one and posting it. It's no problem I understand most extreme leftists are hypocrites.

Okay, sport. You've got me figured out. It's absolutely true, I do not suffer fools gladly.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I haven't put you down but you just did an excellent job of making Krauthammers point with that post. Not that he needed your help.
Krauthammer had a point? I will say at least he is somewhat clever in his put downs, if disingenuous, but what was his point and how did he prove it? His a very intelligent person, no doubt, and I would expect better of him.

This post, from someone more intelligent and better spoken than I am, sums it up nicely. I'm guessing you glossed over it the first time I posted it.

Fair use excepts for the inherently lazy:

Only Krauthammer knows what he meant when he wrote that. Does he genuinely believe that Obama—who, whatever else you might say about him, is no ninny—was really claiming that climate science, for all its complexity, is fixed and complete and a closed book? Or might the President more plausibly have meant that in a political atmosphere in which members of the opposing party continue to call climate change “phony science,” “the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” it might be time to say out loud that no it isn’t, that global warming is confoundingly, worrisomely, dangerously real, even if there are uncountable unanswered questions about it.

The rest of Krauthammer’s piece was the usual dreary exercise in scientific hole-poking: What about the much-discussed 15-year ‘pause’ in warming? What about the backing and forthing on whether climate change is contributing to the frequency and severity of hurricanes? Answer that!

To which, yet again, I say, read the studies. The answers are there, the complexity is there and the frustrating ambiguities are there too—all spelled out, all acknowledged. But none of that changes this simple truth: the debate is settled, human-influenced climate change is a fact, and so—for those willing to entertain complexity, to crack a sweat to understand something worth understanding—is the scientific method.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
krauthammer, this dude hasnt been RIGHT on anything he has spouted on FOX news for over 5 years now, yet , he remains one of the largest flamethrowers on fox news.

If this idiot was so good at predicting weather patterns and the nature of wet things, how exactly did he jump into a pool with no water in it making himself a parapalegic?

Those inclined to listen to this robot havent the first clue to his inability to be accurate.

Lets see, he said

the stock market would crash under Obama, (fail)
there would be a second recession under Obama (fail)
he said obamacare would be overturned by the scotus (fail)
he said defense of marriage would hold up (fail)
he said we would never find Usama Bin Laden in pakistan (fail)
he said obamacare would be repealed (fail)

the list goes on and on, yet people still find a reason to take what he says seriously just because he is on fox news.

What a joke.



Well-Known Member
I always find it interesting how both sides have self serving conspiracy theories as it relates to elections, who votes and who got counted.


Well-Known Member
This past weekend I watched my all time favorite western in "Once Upon A Time in the West" and the opening gunfight scene reminds me of this thread for the last couple of weeks. The results are the same.



golden ticket member
[I always find it interesting how both sides have self serving conspiracy theories as it relates to elections, who votes and who got counted.

I keep remembering that woman in Cleve. who voted 6 times......she got jail time, so multiply that by how many ??


Well-Known Member
Krauthammer had a point? I will say at least he is somewhat clever in his put downs, if disingenuous, but what was his point and how did he prove it? His a very intelligent person, no doubt, and I would expect better of him.

This post, from someone more intelligent and better spoken than I am, sums it up nicely. I'm guessing you glossed over it the first time I posted it.


Actually you made his point as well as the drivel you had linked to. It was an excellent, timely link by more luck which frankly destroyed your link. I know you didn't read it or you wouldn't have tried to reenforce your point by just posting the same ole tired things.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
2.5 hrs in the queue on two posts.

Thanks, Obama
That happens, was teaching photography at middle school to some "at risk" students.
I realize your posts were more important.
I didn't realize that my posts had to be approved by you, alone. That would explain a bit, though.

Actually you made his point as well as the drivel you had linked to. It was an excellent, timely link by more luck which frankly destroyed your link. I know you didn't read it or you wouldn't have tried to reenforce your point by just posting the same ole tired things.


I shall repeat myself, I don't suffer fools gladly.

You have good company in moreluck.


golden ticket member
2.5 hrs in the queue on two posts.

Thanks, Obama

I didn't realize that my posts had to be approved by you, alone. That would explain a bit, though.


I shall repeat myself, I don't suffer fools gladly.

You have good company in moreluck.
Watch you talkin' bout, Willis ??


Well-Known Member
[quote="roadrunner2012, post: 1281407, member: 40736"

You have good company in moreluck.[/quote]

First kind thing you've posted towards me.