Global warming


Strength through joy
If the government regulates emissions into the air & has the power to set fines against those who don't follow their rules , so if a volcano erupts who pays ?


Nine Lives
There you go again, being dishonest. No surprise there, when the facts don't fit, change them.
There you go again being a hypocrite.
Tit for tat.
The report was disingenuous.
While I would say the two words are roughly equal in defaming another, I personally would consider saying someone is a hypocrite is less flaming or defaming than than saying a person is dishonest.
Of course, this is by nature a subjective judgment call.


golden ticket member
While I would say the two words are roughly equal in defaming another, I personally would consider saying someone is a hypocrite is less flaming or defaming than than saying a person is dishonest.
Of course, this is by nature a subjective judgment call.
So, is a liar dishonest or disingenuous ?


Well-Known Member
Please, I have seen nothing but editorials posted by you, and incomplete quotes. Link to the scientific, peer reviewed papers, or point me to the buried paper you posted.

Not only did you not link to a peer reviewed paper you didn't link to anything. How many times did you demand that every reply from me had to be linked to a peer reviewed scientific paper? Seems to me that you meet the definition of hypocrite. I know from your past behavior that I can predict your future behavior and confidently say that you will have some excuse or blame someone besides yourself for your behavior. That should save you the time of coming up with one and posting it. It's no problem I understand most extreme leftists are hypocrites.


golden ticket member


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
av8torntn, Your put downs aren't even clever, and your links don't prove the lack of climate change, in fact just the opposite.

In any case, when moreluck starts chiming in with her cartoons and defense of Krauthammer, the noted climatologist that he is, you've pretty must lost any semblance of rationality in your stance.


Well-Known Member
av8torntn, Your put downs aren't even clever, and your links don't prove the lack of climate change, in fact just the opposite.

In any case, when moreluck starts chiming in with her cartoons and defense of Krauthammer, the noted climatologist that he is, you've pretty must lost any semblance of rationality in your stance.

I haven't put you down but you just did an excellent job of making Krauthammers point with that post. Not that he needed your help.