Global warming


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
COLD SHOULDER: ABC, CBS Exclude Scientists Critical of Global Warming for More Than 1,300 Days | CNS News
Once again, I'm assuming you read your own link and researched who the 'scientists' mentioned are. The big problem is that there are no climatologists who are deniers, just people on the payroll of the Heritage Foundation. The same people who fought for tobacco.
These people basically say "I am a scientist, with a degree in electrical engineering and am being paid $5k/month by Heritage to say climate change is false".

This is a true, BTW. Look it up.


Well-Known Member
Once again, I'm assuming you read your own link and researched who the 'scientists' mentioned are. The big problem is that there are no climatologists who are deniers, just people on the payroll of the Heritage Foundation. The same people who fought for tobacco.
These people basically say "I am a scientist, with a degree in electrical engineering and am being paid $5k/month by Heritage to say climate change is false".

This is a true, BTW. Look it up.

Yes you've already shown that all you can do is ignore science to try and make a point. No need for you to rehash it.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you are trying to suggest by this post, but I would assume someone of your obvious intelligence is aware that Nitrogen Oxide causes the oceans to be more acidic.

Not what we'd call a panacea.

I don't need to suggest anything. It's all there for anyone with a third grade or better reading level.


Well-Known Member


nowhere special
Most amateur meteorologists use a dartboard (aim high in steering!) but a .22 would also work. Weather is an easier to hit target than climate.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Yes you've already shown that all you can do is ignore science to try and make a point. No need for you to rehash it.
I see you subscribe to the 'repeat a lie often enough, it becomes truth' school of thought.

Tennessee is consistently at the bottom of education rankings, so it's not your fault. Blame it on the system.

I'm sure it will be better in the Libertarian utopia.


Well-Known Member
I see you subscribe to the 'repeat a lie often enough, it becomes truth' school of thought.

Tennessee is consistently at the bottom of education rankings, so it's not your fault. Blame it on the system.

I'm sure it will be better in the Libertarian utopia.

Didn't get any schoolin in Tennessee. You lose again but you're probably accoustomed to it by now.


Well-Known Member
Libertarian Utopia ??? Do you mean LIBERAL Utopia --that is where we PROGRESSING to --just look at the past five years !!! Even the weather has gotten better !


nowhere special
"The Democratic effort is cause for some confusion," USA Today reported over the weekend, "because these senators are calling for action in a chamber they control but without any specific legislation to offer up for a vote, or any timetable for action this year."