Global warming


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So now a story from Heartland that is 9 years old?

Since you didn't comprehend the first link, I'll point out the tl;dr version:
Martian climate is primarily driven by dust and albedo and there is little empirical evidence that Mars is showing long term warming.

You can also attempt to read this, which is more contemporary with your articles.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
While ice melts on mars(remember the simpler days a couple weeks ago when your global warming proof was melting ice).

Meanwhile on planet earth.....
Meanwhile, last year on planet Earth, you mean. You linked to an actual tabloid piece, by the way. Thta is not suprising,, since most everyone agrees that there is solid evidence of human caused warming.

You did read the actual, peer reviewed study I linked to, right?

BTW, your posts that claim 50% increase are year to year, not historical. From your link:
Despite the short-term rebound, sea ice volumes remain low compared to historical averages, scientists say.

In September, the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Centre reported that Arctic ice cover at its summer minimum this year was 5.1 million square kilometres. That was also up 50 per cent from last year’s record low, but the sixth lowest on record. The seven lowest levels have all been recorded in the last seven years.

Reading the articles past the headline must not be your thing. See the linked video in post 851. You continue to embarrass yourself. Find another thread and criticize my spelling, because this is a lost cause for you.


Well-Known Member
. That was also up 50 per cent from last year’s

I'm so happy you are not a denier. At that rate we will all be frozen in a matter of years. I assume you support legislation forcing oil companies to provide more oil. I'm thinking we may also need the government to buy every citizen a SUV in an effort to combat this impending ice age. I also suggest a law requiring they run constantly. We must act fast before it's irreversible. The debate is over. The science is irrefutable.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
My last comment seems to have not passed the mod squad standards.

Hoaxster, I mean photog, must be in charge tonight.

I will see if I can say this:

You sir, have lost all credibility. You have posted nothing that can not easily be refuted. Disregarding your basic lack of understanding of actual science, I have to admit that you are not even the least bit clever in your remarks. Most of them are taken right out of the playbook. Are you being paid to post? I can't believe anyone is willfully that ignorant of facts.

This got through and the last didn't? Different mod squad, I guess.

Av8torntn, you are perhaps the most obstinate person I have ever run across. Are you sure you are not a Tennessee mule?
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Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Wait, are you trying to claim UPS is paying people to post on this site? Is that claim backed by peer reviewed papers?
No. I'm saying that certain people are paid to post on sites to refute science to the benefit of unregulated industry.

I've linked to actual peer reviewed papers, the last one, on Arctic Ice, was published this week. You link to debunked crackpots who got picked up by right wing tabloids in 2007.
