Global warming


Well-Known Member
This post is just repeating what you hear Obama, Reed, and other moonbats keep repeating. "97%...blah, blah..." That's a made up statistic. Thousands of scientists refute man made climate change. "Flat earthers", "Climate deniers", and so on. Liberal talking points heard everyday.

Why don't you come back and visit this thread in 40 years so that i can show you your ignorance. Because the climate will be largely the same.

Take a moment and think about what liberals are proposing. They think incandescent light bulbs and SUV's are changing the climate when we have something called the sun so enormously powerful that temps can swing in places with extreme ranges. For example, this place in Russia has a record low and a record high almost 190 degrees apart...

Verkhoyansk, Russia.
Record high temp is 99.1 friend
Record low temp is -90 friend
That's a difference of 189.1 friend

Just this week where I live in MA, I was in short sleeves with a temp of 55 degrees. The next day it snowed and topped out in the mid 20's. That's climate change alright. And we are to believe the world is ending if the world's average goes up 2 degrees over a few decades?

We can't do anything about the sun, which almost completely determines our temperatures. I know democrats in Washington actually believe they possess such power, but c'mon, how can anyone with an ounce of logic think we can overpower the sun?

So what is the normal temperature for earths billions of years of existence? Has anyone determined this? Billions of years...and somehow our 100 years of an industrial society (a spec in history) can change a climate. So ludicrous. Is today normal? Is what was 78 years ago normal? Is the ice age normal? Was it normal when dinosaurs roamed the earth? Getting me?
Another person who doesn't understand science. Maybe you should go back to school and take a science class.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Another person who doesn't understand science. Maybe you should go back to school and take a science class.

Too bad your "science" can't even accurately predict tonight's temperature forecast.

But let's end our civilization and move into caves because earth's temperatures might be a degree warmer in a hundred years.

Wasn't it "science" that said in the '70's that the next ice age was coming?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
By posting links to science.

Oh your statement also proves his post accurate.
Steven Goddard, WattsUp and the Heritage Foundation are not science.

I'm wondering if there is any legitimate science you accept? NASA? How about today's news about the Big Bang?

How about this recent paper?

Care to dissect and criticize intelligently this article?:

Please don't tell me what the weather is in Tennessee this year, though if you'd like to show me long term trends that are factual, please go right ahead.

I'll start:



Well-Known Member
Steven Goddard, WattsUp and the Heritage Foundation are not science.

I'm wondering if there is any legitimate science you accept? NASA?

I'll start:


Funny you asked. All of those I linked to used public information released by NASA.

Once again you've proved his post correct.


Well-Known Member
From your old article:

Less glacial cover in ancient Greenland means the global ocean was probably between three and six feet higher during that time compared to current levels, the scientists say.

How's that gonna work?

Kinda destroys your irreversible argument but who's looking?


Well-Known Member
And misinterpreted it. Link to one post you've made that supports your point. Not Goddard, Watts or Heritage. One.

Just presented the facts as reported by the number one organization you claimed was infallible. Of course you don't like it but you've proven you're not a fan of science. That debate is over.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Just presented the facts as reported by the number one organization you claimed was infallible. Of course you don't like it but you've proven you're not a fan of science. That debate is over.

My goodness. You cannot interpret what your link says? It says the Earth is warming and the ocean will rise 36-72 inches. That is global warming, and the consequences there of.


Well-Known Member
My goodness. You cannot interpret what your link says? It says the Earth is warming and the ocean will rise 36-72 inches. That is global warming, and the consequences there of.

It also days that's normal and has happened before but like the true scientist you are you just ignore that part.

Here they expand on that view that it's a normal cycle and offer evidence that it's not irreversible as you claim and it's not abnormal as you also claim(through extreme left wing links).


Retired 23 years
Steven Goddard, WattsUp and the Heritage Foundation are not science.

I'm wondering if there is any legitimate science you accept? NASA? How about today's news about the Big Bang?

How about this recent paper?

Care to dissect and criticize intelligently this article?:

Please don't tell me what the weather is in Tennessee this year, though if you'd like to show me long term trends that are factual, please go right ahead.

I'll start:


First of all I would never trust any study that classifies 20 degrees as "Frigid". "Cool" maybe but no where near frigid.