Global warming


nowhere special

Your posts will be ignored as usual. Short term weather only matters to climate change fanatics if it supports their claims. When they post numbers they claim its "climate" but when skeptics post evidence that refutes their theories it is only "weather". And any scientific study that doesn't agree with them is dismissed immediately of course. Only the liberal pro climate change sources are "real science" to them.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Your posts will be ignored as usual. Short term weather only matters to climate change fanatics if it supports their claims. When they post numbers they claim its "climate" but when skeptics post evidence that refutes their theories it is only "weather". And any scientific study that doesn't agree with them is dismissed immediately of course. Only the liberal pro climate change sources are "real science" to them.

Poor oldngray, stuck with the past and unable to understand the future. Science is science bro. The oil and coal industries are spending millions of dollars to keep guys like you on their side, and its working like a charm.

Deny science, deny science, blame the liberals, blame the liberals...

The weather is changing all over the globe. Hotter in australia, hotter in south america than ever before, colder in other places than ever before, ice melting around the world, glaciers dissappearing all over the world and yet, YOU in your infinite wisdom dont believe anything serious is happening.

Why? Because your favorite cable news channel FOX tells you so, or Rush Limbaugh, a man without a decent education says so.




These pictures probably wont mean anything to you, but it takes complete CLIMATE CHANGE for this to occur. When these glaciers melt, the water has to go someplace unless you think it just dissappears into thin air.

All over the world, glaciers are retreating because the earth is warming.

Just because its snowing in chicago doesnt mean the globe isnt getting warmer. Irradic weather is the sign that the globes climate patterns are changing.

Humans are polluting this earth with tons of crap into the air. Its being trapped in our little bubble we call our atmosphere, and years of that pollution is warming us up.

We have to do something to curb how we pollute this earth or face the loss of our planets normal climate.

The oil/coal industry has only one thing in mind, make money and keep those that support them on the UNinformed side.



Well-Known Member
Your posts will be ignored as usual. Short term weather only matters to climate change fanatics if it supports their claims. When they post numbers they claim its "climate" but when skeptics post evidence that refutes their theories it is only "weather". And any scientific study that doesn't agree with them is dismissed immediately of course. Only the liberal pro climate change sources are "real science" to them.

look who was right on cue. Your timing is impeccable.


Well-Known Member
Watts and Goddard are not scientists, and the right keeps ignoring reality.

What you are claiming though is that the NOAA has no scientists any they have no scientific value. I tend to agree with you that there is little scientific value in government but it nice to see you admit it even if it was accidental.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
What you are claiming though is that the NOAA has no scientists any they have no scientific value. I tend to agree with you that there is little scientific value in government but it nice to see you admit it even if it was accidental.
Not at all what I am saying. You made that up, but the more you post, the more uninformed you appear to be.

Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Not at all what I am saying. You made that up, but the more you post, the more uninformed you appear to be.

Keep up the good work.

So was, in your uninformed opinion, the NOAA data accurate and you just want to pretend it doesn't exist or is it that you are claiming it to be inaccurate and governmentally unscientific?

BTW I don't blame you for running from your position it is a very weak one.


Inordinately Right
Not at all what I am saying. You made that up, but the more you post, the more uninformed you appear to be.

Keep up the good work.
Bottom line is you're not going to convince him. He wants to believe global warming is a liberal conspiracy, so he only searches for information that reinforces that line of thinking.

The good news is every elementary school child in this country knows about global warming. Maybe that's a liberal conspiracy too, but it doesn't matter.... renewable energy is inevitably the direction technology is taking us.


nowhere special
Bottom line is you're not going to convince him. He wants to believe global warming is a liberal conspiracy, so he only searches for information that reinforces that line of thinking.

The good news is every elementary school child in this country knows about global warming. Maybe that's a liberal conspiracy too, but it doesn't matter.... renewable energy is inevitably the direction technology is taking us.

As compared to people who are convinced global warming exists and refuse to accept any evidence to the contrary? And something being taught to elementary children does not make it true.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is you're not going to convince him. He wants to believe global warming is a liberal conspiracy, so he only searches for information that reinforces that line of thinking.

The good news is every elementary school child in this country knows about global warming. Maybe that's a liberal conspiracy too, but it doesn't matter.... renewable energy is inevitably the direction technology is taking us.

Great news!! In the seventies every elementary child knew about the coming ice age.