Global warming


golden ticket member
I know it's hard to grasp the concept, but no one has said we need or can switch in one day. But there is a need to invest in the future and reduce the use of fossil fuels as much and fast as we can. Technology is advancing very fast and it is possible. But the closed minded will always live in the past and refuse to embrace technology and progression. Good luck with that.
Your pres. wants to make it impossible for the coal companies.............impossible regulations..........seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Your pres. wants to make it impossible for the coal companies.............impossible regulations..........seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

And the short term results will be higher utility prices for Americans.

Money just doesn't seem to matter to our President.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
That doesn't mean we should just give up. Technology and science are constantly evolving.

No one does't want to find viable alternatives. Scientists and engineers have been working forever to find some. So far, fossil fuels still make the best overall energy source. The replacement is likely something beyond anything we can comprehend right now. It's going to be all about oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear for years to come. Whether you like it or not.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
No one does't want to find viable alternatives. Scientists and engineers have been working forever to find some. So far, fossil fuels still make the best overall energy source. The replacement is likely something beyond anything we can comprehend right now. It's going to be all about oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear for years to come. Whether you like it or not.
You're right. Give up now, surrender to the people YOU really hate, and screw our grandkids.

Lyin' gubbemint scientists...

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
You're right. Give up now, surrender to the people YOU really hate, and screw our grandkids.

Lyin' gubbemint scientists...

I just explained how no one is "giving up" on alternatives. Whatever helps your argument though....

Talking about screwing out grandkids? Destroying our currency today is the #1 problem we're handing our children and grandchildren. This is an immediate and fixable problem yet we keep adding trillions to the debt like it's nothing. The next generations don't stand a chance at a good life.
No global warming here?

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Delivering in a blizzard here today as well. Nothing like lovely spring.

Don't call it global warming. It's climate change now. Covers all scenarios.


Well-Known Member
The $1.3 million, eighteen-month project will deploy the Altaeros BAT at a height 1,000 feet above ground.
“The project will generate enough energy to power over a dozen homes."
Not exactly a cost effective solution. Just a PR stunt.
It's called research. Research always costs money. We wouldn't have the technology today without " investing" in research.
Ben Glass, chief executive of Altaeros, said he expected the company to be able to offer power at about 18 cents per kilowatt-hour, far too high for most conventional markets but still well below the 35 cents a kilowatt-hour often paid in remote areas of Alaska.

In parts of Alaska, prices can reach about $1 per kilowatt-hour, roughly 10 times the national average. Serving markets like that could help the company establish its business and lower costs to eventually compete for larger-scale projects.


Well-Known Member
Where does it say it's not working? From the article, it says this new technology could bring cheaper and cleaner electricity to these remote areas.