Global warming


Well-Known Member
So you're claiming tornado activity is at a record low because the artic is warmer?

Then again you didn't link to a peer reviewed paper.....
This link "you posted" says nothing about tornadoes but does show the arctic is warmer than average. I guess you are now acknowledging global warming. Nice to see you are finally accepting science.


Well-Known Member
This link "you posted" says nothing about tornadoes but does show the arctic is warmer than average. I guess you are now acknowledging global warming. Nice to see you are finally accepting science.

Oh, now you're claiming you're a fan of Anthony Watts. It's difficult to track all your personalities.


Well-Known Member
Oh, now you're claiming you're a fan of Anthony Watts. It's difficult to track all your personalities.
Willard Anthony Watts (Anthony Watts) is a blogger, weathercaster and non-scientist, who runs the website He does not have a university qualification and has no climate credentials other than being a radio weather announcer. His website is parodied and debunked at the website Watts has received assistance from the Heartland Institute, which itself is funded by polluting industries.[1]


Well-Known Member
Willard Anthony Watts (Anthony Watts) is a blogger, weathercaster and non-scientist, who runs the website He does not have a university qualification and has no climate credentials other than being a radio weather announcer. His website is parodied and debunked at the website Watts has received assistance from the Heartland Institute, which itself is funded by polluting industries.[1]

So you claim he advocated global warmer and you claim he has been debunked. Sounds quite a bit like you doesn't it?

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
All this talk about what is legitimate science or blindly believing what is said to be widely accepted science or criticizing those that may doubt global warming as science deniers....

How about an example this past week of a wide scientific study that has disproved the link between saturated fat and heart disease. It was absolute science before that saturated fat was a direct link to heart disease. You notice each month such new studies arise concerning diet and nutrition and its affects on the human body basically disprove previous scientific belief. It's the 21st century and we can't figure out how food affects the body over a relative short period of time.

Climate studies are looking at a tiny spec of time in a timeline that spans billions of years. We can't even figure out with certainty how food affects us in our tiny 75 year life. Why is it so far fetched to question the so called science behind climate change, which consequently, has changed dramatically over billions of years. And we didn't have SUV's billions of years ago, at least I don't think so. Yet, the earth warmed dramatically to get out of an ice age. Actually, to get out of 5 known ice ages. Noticing and up and down pattern?

Climate would change significantly even if the human race didn't exist. We didn't exist each of the 5 times the earth went through an ice age and warmed out of one.

News alert! Climate changes!!!

JL 0513

Well-Known Member

Global Warming alarmist constantly preach that we need to change what we're are doing.

Yet not one single one of them is ever willing to move into a cave and die. Actually, they are often the biggest hypocrites. Al Gore uses more energy each day than most of us use in a year. He flies around the world constantly. Do you realize the amount of fuel he burns?

If he was so serious, he and others would confine themselves to a cave and occasionally come out to hunt for berries.


Well-Known Member
Global Warming alarmist constantly preach that we need to change what we're are doing.

Yet not one single one of them is ever willing to move into a cave and die. Actually, they are often the biggest hypocrites. Al Gore uses more energy each day than most of us use in a year. He flies around the world constantly. Do you realize the amount of fuel he burns?

If he was so serious, he and others would confine themselves to a cave and occasionally come out to hunt for berries.
Hypocrites don't change the reality of how human activity has affected our environment.


nowhere special
UN scientists who are paid to promote the theory of global warming are about to release a new report warning of gloom and doom. They are expected to predict how much worse things are and will be (but without any new scientific research to support their claims). Their last report in 2007 with similar warnings was found to full of errors and manipulated data.


Well-Known Member
Some argue the real danger is methane and that we've gone past the point of no return towards total extinction.

Yes RR, another "odd-ball" source.



Retired 23 years
I used a gallon of used motor oil, a half a gallon of methanol racing fuel and a single farmers match to start my annual "spring is here" bon-fire party Saturday. I used to use an old tire or two but my brother has became one of "those" people and would cry too much if I did that now. I did manage to get an old recliner and some old treated lumber burnt up before he showed though so the fire wasn't a total waste. We did manage to melt a lot of aluminum cans.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I used a gallon of used motor oil, a half a gallon of methanol racing fuel and a single farmers match to start my annual "spring is here" bon-fire party Saturday. I used to use an old tire or two but my brother has became one of "those" people and would cry too much if I did that now. I did manage to get an old recliner and some old treated lumber burnt up before he showed though so the fire wasn't a total waste. We did manage to melt a lot of aluminum cans.
Live long and prosper. Also, don't inhale.