Global warming

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Chew on this. 29% of the earth is land. Of that, only 1% is occupied by humans. Of that, only a fraction are burning fossil fuels regularly (a large percentage are poor). A very small fraction are urban areas with dense populations.

Apparently though, these relatively tiny pockets of population using energy in order to not live in caves, possess more power than the sun and wind when it comes to changing earths temps.

(even though the sun in combination with air shifts has caused temp changes of 50+ degrees over the course of just a few hours before). But don't tell anyone.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Chew on this. 29% of the earth is land. Of that, only 1% is occupied by humans. Of that, only a fraction are burning fossil fuels regularly (a large percentage are poor). A very small fraction are urban areas with dense populations.

Apparently though, these relatively tiny pockets of population using energy in order to not live in caves, possess more power than the sun and wind when it comes to changing earths temps.

(even though the sun in combination with air shifts has caused temp changes of 50+ degrees over the course of just a few hours before). But don't tell anyone.
Bad news...that's insane.

Good news...Obamacare covers that.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
What's insane?
The entire 'living in caves' thing you have going on, not to mention your misunderstanding of ecology (yes, that's a real thing).

I guess I should also bring up how you equate normal seasonal temperature variations with long term trends, maybe later...


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Still can't resist the name calling and slander I see. No wonder you will remain forever in the moderation queue.
Seriously? There is no way out of moderation queues, and 'stinking hippies' is slander and name calling, not humor? Get a grip.

I was agreeing with you, for crissakes.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
The entire 'living in caves' thing you have going on, not to mention your misunderstanding of ecology (yes, that's a real thing).

I guess I should also bring up how you equate normal seasonal temperature variations with long term trends, maybe later...

What's your solution if we can't use oil and gas? If you say wind and solar then you're an idiot. Our whole existence is based on fossil fuels. Hence why I say the alternative is caves.

I assume you ride a bicycle to work and you pull your packages in a wagon. And your house is without lighting and heat. No appliances either.

The computer you're typing on has a hand crank.

If not, you're a hypocrite just like every other liberal.

Also, you want to talk long term trends, I'm looking at billions of years. Liberals are looking at a spec on the time line - decades. Like I said earlier, we've had 5 known ice ages. The earth warmed out of them each time. What caused that? Incandescent light bulbs?


nowhere special
What's your solution if we can't use oil and gas? If you say wind and solar then you're an idiot. Our whole existence is based on fossil fuels. Hence why I say the alternative is caves.

I assume you ride a bicycle to work and you pull your packages in a wagon. And your house is without lighting and heat. No appliances either.

The computer you're typing on has a hand crank.

If not, you're a hypocrite just like every other liberal.

Also, you want to talk long term trends, I'm looking at billions of years. Liberals are looking at a spec on the time line - decades. Like I said earlier, we've had 5 known ice ages. The earth warmed out of them each time. What caused that? Incandescent light bulbs?

Nuclear power is a viable option but the very mention of OMG! "radiation" freaks out the greenies.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Nuclear power is a viable option but the very mention of OMG! "radiation" freaks out the greenies.

Exactly. Plus you can't use it for everything. There's alternatives to oil, but right now they present other dangers, or aren't fully practical. Even electric cars could be considered coal burning cars. And they only take you 100 miles. Hydrogen cars are potential bombs.
Liberals never have any viable explanation on how we stop creating green house gases.


golden ticket member
If fossil fuels provide 100% of our needs.......and solar or electric or other only supplies 20 % of our needs.......You'd have to be a complete idiot to think we can just "cross over".

That's like quitting your job before you have another lined up.....only really stupid idiots do that!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If fossil fuels provide 100% of our needs.......and solar or electric or other only supplies 20 % of our needs.......You'd have to be a complete idiot to think we can just "cross over".

That's like quitting your job before you have another lined up.....only really stupid idiots do that!!!!!!
I know it's hard to grasp the concept, but no one has said we need or can switch in one day. But there is a need to invest in the future and reduce the use of fossil fuels as much and fast as we can. Technology is advancing very fast and it is possible. But the closed minded will always live in the past and refuse to embrace technology and progression. Good luck with that.


nowhere special
People tend to leave out the hidden costs of green energy. Such things as petroleum used in plastics for electric vehicles, energy required to manufacture batteries and solar cells, etc. It is still far from any break even point and won't be for many years.


Well-Known Member
People tend to leave out the hidden costs of green energy. Such things as petroleum used in plastics for electric vehicles, energy required to manufacture batteries and solar cells, etc. It is still far from any break even point and won't be for many years.
That doesn't mean we should just give up. Technology and science are constantly evolving.