Global warming


Well-Known Member
Global warming fanatics' whole THEORY depends on climate models that don't work even though they are fed "data" that are actually assumptions or outright lies. Part of that data comes from ATTEMPTING to measure past temperature and weather readings. The problem with that is that our ACCURATE records only go back less than a couple of hundred years. If that. The Earth is something like 4 billion years old. So that is like measuring a nanosecond out of a ten year time period. I've said it before and I must say it again....using such a short time period as a way to explain temperature patterns is like looking at how temperature rises between May and September and assuming that the temperature in January will be 150.
Thank you for that scientific explanation.:confused:


nowhere special
Faulty and False Global Temperature Readings

When global warming alarmists claim that the Earth is warming or that this was the hottest (year, month) ever, they are totaling up readings from rather simplistic, low-budget, small, automated weather stations scattered around the nation and the world. But about 90% of those weather stations violate the officially-published standards required for accurate measurements.


Well-Known Member
That is my point. Your global warming buddies aren't using true science.
The only point you are confirming is that conservative America has no science or data to back their claims. Just conspiracy theories and deflection away from the truth. You and your climate denial buddies have your heads in the sand clutching your bibles in one hand and your guns in the other. Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
The only point you are confirming is that conservative America has no science or data to back their claims. Just conspiracy theories and deflection away from the truth. You and your climate denial buddies have your heads in the sand clutching your bibles in one hand and your guns in the other. Good luck with that.
Oh, yes we do. His name is DR Roy spencer, PhD. And who is your guy, Algore. I don't see Dr spencer out there selling Carbon credits to only enrich themselves. Examine gores life, he doesn't practice what he preaches. My PhD is better than your PhD and Algore too.

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Well-Known Member
It's so interesting to see monkeys throwing poo about this topic...

Of course there isn't consensus about this issue - there are vultures on both sides.

Yet...think about it for a minute; if 'climate change' is true, now is the time to act.

The corporations saying "Don't Act!" are those with the most to gain if WE don't act.

Corporations dictate the 'NEWS' to all the sources where we get our information from...think about that for a moment...we're all fed 'NEWS' by entities that are selling us something.


Back to the topic:

In terms of energy use, the US is WAY behind the rest of the world in terms of EFFICIENCY.

The current US energy policy is like a 1979 Ford Pinto.

Poli-tricks is what keeps our nation on its steady rise to the bottom, at least in terms of energy.

What's the problem? We used to be the innovator of the world - we used to be the leader of TECH, ENERGY, ETC...

Not the case anymore.


Well-Known Member
My dad can beat up your dad, and Obama too. Solid argument......
Any other words of wisdom you wish to bestow upon the class during show and tell?
Just like a lib to take a reply out of context. Read some of my pervious posts, and take those arguments apart , if you can. Libs have no sense of humor either, it was a joke.

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Well-Known Member
The economist in 2013 reported temps have not really risen over the past 10 years and over the last 15 years temps are flat. RSS satellite data also showed no warming for the last 214 months.
In the last year, 28504 low max temps reported, 13205 high max temps recorded.
I know you greenies won't believe these numbers, but what if they are right? Should we change our live styles over something that's not happening, ie, global warming.

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Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

Every time you post an 'expert' pontificating on climate it turns out he's not actually a climatologist, but is a signatory of "An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming".

@Bringdough, Do you ever wonder why the deniers always start their calculations with 1998? I'll tell you why, it was an 'El Nino' year. Do you ever wonder why they only take into account surface temperatures, when that is only 1/3 of the planet? It's because ocean temps have been rising at a faster rate.

The Pentagon believes that climate change is real and is a threat. The Pentagon is hardly a bunch of tree hugging libs.