Global warming


Strength through joy
Nobody was swimming at the ocean beaches today , the water is just too damn cold .
The last warm water day was back in early June .


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Well-Known Member
Is that research based on the hockey stick model based on manipulated data? The inaccurate computer models?

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As mentioned in the quote, this was said by an Exxon official. Did you miss that part?
Exxon and the environmental groups agree that climate change is a risk and that society will take steps to reduce emissions from fossil fuels to slow the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They differ, however, on how drastic society's response could be, and what would cost more severely restricting fossil fuel consumption or not doing so and allowing more carbon dioxide to build in the atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
As mentioned in the quote, this was said by an Exxon official. Did you miss that part?
Exxon and the environmental groups agree that climate change is a risk and that society will take steps to reduce emissions from fossil fuels to slow the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They differ, however, on how drastic society's response could be, and what would cost more severely restricting fossil fuel consumption or not doing so and allowing more carbon dioxide to build in the atmosphere.
Your link didn't work for me.

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Well-Known Member
You might convince me to be concerned about climate change, except:
Algore doesn't live his like there is global warming. If Algore hadn't sold his tv station to Al Jazeera, they are heavily invested in oil.
Computer models consistently predict more warming than has actually happened. In fact there may have been cooling going on.
There is only .004% of co2 in the atmosphere. How could that low level of co2 produce warming? And finally, if our govt wasn't using the IPCC reports, that include the hockey stick graph, to try and sell us on man made global warming.

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nowhere special
2 months is weather, not climate. Or so global warming fanatics scream when there are a couple of cold months.
Nothing to see here.


Well-Known Member
2 months is weather, not climate. Or so global warming fanatics scream when there are a couple of cold months.
Nothing to see here.
Climate and weather have a direct relationship but I guess that's too difficult for you to understand. The oceans are at record temperature levels as well. That sand must taste good to you


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about??

California is experiencing the warmest year in recorded history. Our drought is the worst ever. And yet, you dont believe there is any change in the climate?


Picture this, I'm out on the ramp, it's July in the ohio valley, it's 59*, I have a sweatshirt on. In my 17 years at UPS I've never worn a sweatshirt at work in July.
Sorry about your water problems out there but the delta smelts need that water more than you do.

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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Global warming fanatics' whole THEORY depends on climate models that don't work even though they are fed "data" that are actually assumptions or outright lies. Part of that data comes from ATTEMPTING to measure past temperature and weather readings. The problem with that is that our ACCURATE records only go back less than a couple of hundred years. If that. The Earth is something like 4 billion years old. So that is like measuring a nanosecond out of a ten year time period. I've said it before and I must say it again....using such a short time period as a way to explain temperature patterns is like looking at how temperature rises between May and September and assuming that the temperature in January will be 150.