Global warming


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Because they think it's bad for the economy.
I agree with you and I've made that point before here, it doesn't sit well with the deniers. They see green technology as unproven and too costly. I'm not sure if they realize how much of their retirement funds are invested in fossil fuels or not, but the people who give them the garbage they call news sure do.
Because global warming aka climate change is a big steaming pile of crap.
The earth's climate has been changing since day 1 and thank god for that because the earth couldn't sustain life back then. It's gets colder, then gets warmer. It's done all of this before mankind even existed.
This global warming aka climate change is about one thing and that thing is not the climate. It's control. And who do you give that control to fix this made up problem? The same people that invented it.
In other words, it's the book Animal Farm in real life.


Well-Known Member
So you can't.
And by the way, this is not "RECORD WARMTH" on the west coast. This is our winter. A typical winter. Maybe a little drier than usual, but it happens.
It is not typical. Records have been broken through the whole month of January including record low rainfall.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It is not typical. Records have been broken through the whole month of January including record low rainfall.
And I believe records have been equaled or beaten on the record cold this year. And? It's called weather. It's either going to be hot or cold or somewhere in the middle. Get used to it.


Well-Known Member
And I believe records have been equaled or beaten on the record cold this year. And? It's called weather. It's either going to be hot or cold or somewhere in the middle. Get used to it.
It's not weather, which changes day to day. It's climate, which is changing in the long term.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'm wondering if the house I own in snow country will be worth more when I'm surrounded by palms and everybody wants to live here?


nowhere special
It is not typical. Records have been broken through the whole month of January including record low rainfall.

Records have also been broken for cold in much of US this winter. It is typical and called weather. Climate change is long term and not about normal variations. New records are constantly set since there are only records available for a short period of time.


Inordinately Right
Records have also been broken for cold in much of US this winter. It is typical and called weather. Climate change is long term and not about normal variations. New records are constantly set since there are only records available for a short period of time.
When people talk about record highs and lows, they're talking about the weather. Climate change is about average temperatures over long periods of time. People on both sides of the climate change debate play the game by using these one day or one year records to defend their side. It's disingenuous and distracts from the real science.


Well-Known Member
Boston commuter boat becomes frozen , Coast Guard vessel needed to free it . Ice so tough CG vessel had to tow boat it .
Service cancelled .
Got to love that Global warming .

climate change is causing more extreme cold temperature. 2014 was the hottest year on record.


golden ticket member



I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Global warming feels pretty real here in California. That blue car should be totally submerged and I should be at least 20 feet underwater (Don Pedro reservoir near Yosemite)


Well-Known Member
Global warming feels pretty real here in California. That blue car should be totally submerged and I should be at least 20 feet underwater (Don Pedro reservoir near Yosemite)
View attachment 29210
During the short year I spent as a diver with our local search and rescue team, we were told some guy lost a jeep through the ice and come spring, if we could find it and raise it, we could have it for our team. That spring we scoured the bottom of the lake in 15 to 20 feet of water. Nothing. By that fall a severely dry summer left that part of the lake bone dry. Still no jeep. Guy got busted for insurance fraud.
Today that lake is full as can be.
Stuff happens!


nowhere special
Paid Climate Change Skeptic Even More Corrupt Than Previously Thought

Climate change advocates are not attacking the facts of his study, which seem to agree with satellite data showing no warming for over 18 years. Instead, they are looking for conflicts of interest, for dark money that might have influenced his research. The New York Times took the lead by reporting that Soon received many donations from the fossil fuel industry, which they believe constitutes a conflict of interest.

Interestingly enough, climate change believers seem to appreciate fossil-fuel money when it goes to themselves. Investigative reporter Donna Laframboise revealed that World Wildlife Fund, the Sierra Club and the Nature Conservancy all received tens of millions of dollars from oil companies.

Nor do they try to hide their political connections. The Climate Depot published a flashback article showing that global warming “fighter” Jim Hansen received money from the Heinz Foundation, headed by John Kerry’s wife Teresa back in 2004 in the midst of the presidential elections