Global warming


nowhere special
global warming also creates more extreme weather patterns like blizzards.

Now you are using weather to explain climate. Climate is long term while weather is normal short term variations. Climate change fanatics will jump on short term change (unless it refutes their arguments - then they will claim it is only weather).


Well-Known Member
Now you are using weather to explain climate. Climate is long term while weather is normal short term variations. Climate change fanatics will jump on short term change (unless it refutes their arguments - then they will claim it is only weather).

no i was responding to snoop doggs :censored2: post that having blizzards in certain sections of america equates to there being no global warming.


Well-Known Member
These guys kill the Global Warming theory and/or Climate Change theory.
It's all about control.
And most of the scientists that come out against it now, and there are more and more every day, are the ones with nothing to lose. The ones who are retired and who's funding isn't dependent on maintaining a global warming position.

is this the fox news of australia??? funny u post a clip about global warming from australia, they have had very extreme heat spells broke all kinds of records.


Well-Known Member
Lots of environmentalist are worried that climate change is going to ruin the earth.
I believe they are wrong in that climate change will only ruin the human empire and possibly destroy many living things.
Earth has already survived a few billion years, its taken meteors, enormous solar flares, volcanic eruptions that darkened the skies for years. Pretty sure this planet will see through another cycle and possibly come out stronger for it.
I do not believe humans are responsible for climate change. The earth is creating the change, albeit in response to our growing empire.
They call her Mother Earth. So what did mom do when you started acting out of line, messing up the place, she whacked you a smart one, punished you and shouted at you to straighten up.
This is, what I believe to be, the essence of these paranoid neo-hippie conservationist environmentalist, ist ist ist ists!


Well-Known Member
Lots of environmentalist are worried that climate change is going to ruin the earth.
I believe they are wrong in that climate change will only ruin the human empire and possibly destroy many living things.
Earth has already survived a few billion years, its taken meteors, enormous solar flares, volcanic eruptions that darkened the skies for years. Pretty sure this planet will see through another cycle and possibly come out stronger for it.
I do not believe humans are responsible for climate change. The earth is creating the change, albeit in response to our growing empire.
They call her Mother Earth. So what did mom do when you started acting out of line, messing up the place, she whacked you a smart one, punished you and shouted at you to straighten up.
This is, what I believe to be, the essence of these paranoid neo-hippie conservationist environmentalist, ist ist ist ists!

yes they mean climate change will wipe humans off the earth and many other animals like a mass extinction. but hte earth itself will continue to exist.


When your bank says no, champion says YES
I love how originally it was called global warming, then when liberal looney tunes realized they couldn't whine about global warming bc global warming wasn't real, then they did what they do best, smokescreen the issue and rename it climate change so guys like Al gore can keep making billions off it and jobless potheads can have something do complain about instead of updating there resume, rickyyb I'm not at all surprised you're soo emotionally invested in an issue like this


When your bank says no, champion says YES


When your bank says no, champion says YES
whos the troll?

the guy who 95% of the time puts up meaningful articles that many people here might not be exposed to regularily.

or the guys who puts up pictures of trolls.
I choose the guy who puts troll pictures up, every time


Well-Known Member
I love how originally it was called global warming, then when liberal looney tunes realized they couldn't whine about global warming bc global warming wasn't real, then they did what they do best, smokescreen the issue and rename it climate change so guys like Al gore can keep making billions off it and jobless potheads can have something do complain about instead of updating there resume, rickyyb I'm not at all surprised you're soo emotionally invested in an issue like this

i wouldnt base anything off of al gore. hes a corporatist.


When your bank says no, champion says YES
i wouldnt base anything off of al gore. hes a corporatist.
That's the first good thing I've heard u say pal, ur off to a start here rickyyb, now turn a corner and get it together man, uve been liberal brain washed, u need to detox ur mind, but there's hope for u yet, go shower and shave up and go get you a suit and tie and March right on down to fedex and apply for a gig lol


Well-Known Member
That's the first good thing I've heard u say pal, ur off to a start here rickyyb, now turn a corner and get it together man, uve been liberal brain washed, u need to detox ur mind, but there's hope for u yet, go shower and shave up and go get you a suit and tie and March right on down to fedex and apply for a gig lol

your a sheep. back in the slave days you would have been one of the people defending it, saying theres no alternative.


When your bank says no, champion says YES
Rickyyb I don't even red x your posts anymore I e categorized you as special needs I believe you have been sooo brainwashed with insane liberal thoughts you are just not well, it's not your fault buddie, unfortunately there is a pandemic of this sort of thing going around, it's like a disease, I just feel for ya that's all, but there really is hope, I reccommend consistent therapy and perhaps some medication


Well-Known Member
Rickyyb I don't even red x your posts anymore I e categorized you as special needs I believe you have been sooo brainwashed with insane liberal thoughts you are just not well, it's not your fault buddie, unfortunately there is a pandemic of this sort of thing going around, it's like a disease, I just feel for ya that's all, but there really is hope, I reccommend consistent therapy and perhaps some medication

good i dont want trolls on my threads anyways. if u dont have anything constructive to add, stay the :censored2: away.


Well-Known Member
Rickyyb I don't even red x your posts anymore I e categorized you as special needs I believe you have been sooo brainwashed with insane liberal thoughts you are just not well, it's not your fault buddie, unfortunately there is a pandemic of this sort of thing going around, it's like a disease, I just feel for ya that's all, but there really is hope, I reccommend consistent therapy and perhaps some medication

all u gotta do is look up all the climate scientists opinions on weather global warming is real or not.

its already been done and 98% or whatever agree its happening and human caused if i remember