Global warming


Well-Known Member

alot of the guys i listen to say it, michael moore, ralph nader, chris hedges, noam chomsky, gar alperovitz, richard wolff, naomi klein, david cay johnston. im sure you would probably agree with alot of what hedges, johnston have to say in general, plus im sure gerald celente and paul craig roberts agree with it too who are even more conservative.

but dont trust those guys. if i were you i would look at the arctic ice melt over decades + the amount of methane being released by melting over decades.

theres been 5 mass extinctions and we are under going the 6th. species extinction has met the same level as 65 million years ago.

even if u dont believe its real, why would you want to continue with oil which is expensive and hard to access? wind solar and wave are in abundance and they are cheaper than oil in many ways

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member

alot of the guys i listen to say it, michael moore, ralph nader, chris hedges, noam chomsky, gar alperovitz, richard wolff, naomi klein, david cay johnston. im sure you would probably agree with alot of what hedges, johnston have to say in general, plus im sure gerald celente and paul craig roberts agree with it too who are even more conservative.

but dont trust those guys. if i were you i would look at the arctic ice melt over decades + the amount of methane being released by melting over decades.

theres been 5 mass extinctions and we are under going the 6th. species extinction has met the same level as 65 million years ago.

even if u dont believe its real, why would you want to continue with oil which is expensive and hard to access? wind solar and wave are in abundance and they are cheaper than oil in many ways

The 97% of the people surveyed in that article THINK that man made global warming is real. Just because they are scientists doesn't mean their OPINION makes it true. True science is proving something. There is, to date, no proof that there is man made global warming. There really isn't any proof that there is any kind of global warming. Those that claim there are usually look back to a certain year (usually the coldest on record) and work from there so of course their research will show increases. And your arctic ice melt is an incomplete model. If you really dive into global warming research you will find that for every claim of ice melting, rivers drying up, etc. ect. there is an opposite event somewhere else on the planet. Scientists are to be respected for their SCIENTIFICALLY proven (meaning following "Scientific Method") findings but your survey is nothing more than an example of 97% of those surveyed saying that they THINK man is causing the Earth to warm more than nature does. But nice try though.

Currently the only way to gauge weather patterns is to look at weather records we've kept so far. Our records only account for a tiny (for lack of a better word) fraction of this planet's history. Man is incapable of accurately measuring current weather patterns against past patterns to determine any extent of damage man could be causing IF man made global warming was real. It's like looking at temperature increases from June to August and claiming the temperature will reach 200 degrees by December. The sun is the true cause of any weather fluctuations. The sun itself goes through warming and cooling periods. The Earth's weather patterns were drastically shifting back and forth for millions of years before man ever existed. Other planets in our solar system go through the same thing and no human being has set foot on any of them. Let alone lived there long enough to damage the climates.

These are things that many of those scientists purposely don't consider. Why? Because many of them rely on a flow of cash to fund their research and to deny man made global warming could cut their funding. Some are just using junk science. Either way there hasn't been, nor will there ever be, any proof that man is causing climate change. At least not on the scale that global warming alarmists claim.


Well-Known Member
even if global warming wasnt real (which it is) theres no good reason not to want a more efficient energy system which makes use of wind, wave, and solar. plus a more efficient property distribution system. under private property things like music, books, cars, movies sit unused 80% or more of the time. totally inefficient. should be aiming for a property system which provides access to things.
I do agree that it's a good idea to have alternative energy. However the way we are going about it is crazy. The govt gives away guaranteed loans to solyndra as an example. We give away tax credits to buy electric vehicles which in most cases is still powered by carbon producing electric plants. If we want to reduce carbon the relative short term solution is nuclear. Longer term is to make alternative more efficient. We should do this by putting money into stem education. Give grants to colleges like MIT or Caltech etc to make alternative more efficient. Even if it doesn't succeed immediately we have educated engineers as a side effect.

As to property distribution sounds like you want communism. Tell you what you start and give away rights to use your car your house your stereo etc. Then let's see how that works.


Well-Known Member
The sun is the true cause of any weather fluctuations. The sun itself goes through warming and cooling periods. The Earth's weather patterns were drastically shifting back and forth for millions of years before man ever existed. Other planets in our solar system go through the same thing and no human being has set foot on any of them. Let alone lived there long enough to damage the climates.