That is the exact and direct opposite of what I've been saying. You cannot use the behavior of people as a means of proving or disproving the existence of God. And I did not say that people don't do terrible things in the name of the god they believe in, I said you can't use their actions to prove or disprove the existence of God, the best you can do is argue that the god those people believe in must not be a good or loving god, or that they are misunderstanding what their god wants from them. I think you literally misunderstood everything I wrote.
Ok, I hear you, I thought you were making a different assertion.
In either case, we can’t make a definitive argument for God one way or another.
We’re hard-wired evolutionary wise to seek patterns, there’s been a lot written on this, the short of it is we’re gonna find a pattern one way or another.
My point was, depending on where you’re born, you’re likely to align with the found pattern of your particular tribe.
All these Gods can’t be simultaneously real, but if you find affinity or solace or community with the tribe/God of your choice, great.
Otherwise, great.
Some people don’t believe at all, some people convert from one religion to another, it’s all good.
Not to be too flip, but, whatever floats your boat.
Back to the OP, I’ll stand by my interpretation of his limited post: wars and conflagrations between competing religions have really screwed up the world.
It would be much better if ‘we could all just get along’.