God is ruining the world


Frankie's Friend

Jesus does not state salvation is through "Christianity." Don't know what why that's too hard to understand.
I didnt say that.
I said Him. Twice.
It's getting easier to redundantly post this response but it's tiring too.

Frankie's Friend

As the New Testament was written by his Apostles it would be pretty difficult to have written it 100 years after he died.
You are correct in the issue of Paul's letters to the churches written when he was in prison.

Don't be discouraged. This is unfortunately typical mou in current events.

It doesn't change the facts.
Have a good night brother.
Your family is blessed.

Frankie's Friend

Christ is a historical figure, not exlusive to Christianity.
Ok. I get it. That's why people have used that name in vain for centuries?
I didnt realize they were talking about completely different Jesus Christs. Probably one for every generation.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Still don't see it.
And you won't/can't until you set aside the things of this world. Look, I am a bad person. You can read some of my posts here to clarify that. Am I a good witness? NO! But I am working on it with HIS help. I have SLOWLY dropped things from my life but it's not an overnight deal. I am being worked on daily. I never knew I WAS being worked on until I found him. Nobody is perfect. Am I forgiven? ABSOLUTELY but most times don't feel like it. I am messed up man. Aren't we all?

Frankie's Friend

Still don't see it.



Well-Known Member
This can go all night or at least until my 1% is gone but your post is not true.
Throwing out unfounded suppositions won't change people beliefs.

Its worthless going this route. No one attacks the other "religious beliefs" like they do christianity.

Nothing I said was false.

And Christianity isn’t the only religion to be disparaged in this lifetime.

Muslims fighting each other over interpretations of the Quran, Buddhists (Buddhists!!!) killing each other over interpretations of the Sutras, etc.

Damn, Becky married a Protestant and now she’s excommunicated from the Baptist shindig.

I find it fairly ridiculous.

Believe whatever you want, as you wish to, and in that wish leave everyone else alone as you wish to be left alone.

Maybe it’s the nature of the story of the Bible, but damn if Christians don’t have a persecution complex.

Frankie's Friend

Damn, Becky married a Protestant and now she’s excommunicated from the Baptist shindig.

I find it fairly ridiculous.

Believe whatever you want, as you wish to, and in that wish leave everyone else alone as you wish to be left alone.

Maybe it’s the nature of the story of the Bible, but damn if Christians don’t have a persecution complex.
Uh, baptists are protestant.
Just so you know.


Well-Known Member
The Aborigines who were around 33,000 years, before god allegedly created the Earth in 7 days, frown upon your assertions.

there has been no definitive time period put to the Christian explanation. Some theologians have theorized that the days spelled out in genesis were clearly much longer then the day as we know it. you are a typical bible basher that tries to cherry pick items out of context to mock something you have never tried to understand.


Well-Known Member
Still don't see it.
Jesus prayed that his followers would be one. He spoke of Peter's faith as a rock, and said upon that rock he would build his church. His followers were first called Christians at the city of Antioch. His apostles were charged with going into all the world and preach the gospel. His followers met upon the first day of the week and took communion. And on and on. Certainly people have abused organized religion. But to say there's no organized religion in the New Testament, no Christianity, makes me think either you haven't studied it or you aren't being honest.


Ok. I get it. That's why people have used that name in vain for centuries?
I didnt realize they were talking about completely different Jesus Christs. Probably one for every generation.

He’s got a miracle phone that keeps going even though it was at 1 percent 8 posts ago.

Thanks Jesus.