God is ruining the world


Well-Known Member
And Christianity isn’t the only religion to be disparaged in this lifetime.

Muslims fighting each other over interpretations of the Quran, Buddhists (Buddhists!!!) killing each other over interpretations of the Sutras, etc.

we may not be as far apart as you think we are. I've had those conversations with muslims and jews. they recognize many chapters of the Christian bible. but obviously disagree on some points and the role of Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
And you won't/can't until you set aside the things of this world. Look, I am a bad person. You can read some of my posts here to clarify that. Am I a good witness? NO! But I am working on it with HIS help. I have SLOWLY dropped things from my life but it's not an overnight deal. I am being worked on daily. I never knew I WAS being worked on until I found him. Nobody is perfect. Am I forgiven? ABSOLUTELY but most times don't feel like it. I am messed up man. Aren't we all?
You do realize that your life's transgressions and repentances transcend religions and religious beliefs?


Well-Known Member
Evidently they taught you wrong.

There are two issues here, the texts themselves, and when they were written.

As to the latter, Jesus was long dead before what you’re calling the New Testament was collated and codified.

Don’t forget, Paul’s version of Christianity is the one that ‘won the day’, so to speak (he was a killer salesman).

When Jesus was alive, there were dozens and dozens and dozens of competing versions of Christianity.

As to the former, if you enjoy the King James, more power to you.
The Church wasn't established until after Jesus died. The 4 gospels as well as Paul's epistles and other apostles' epistles were letters that circulated amongst believers and were eventually collected and organized into what is now the New Testament. While the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, the New Testament was written in koine Greek, the language of the common man in that region at that time. The KJV is just one of the many translations of the original texts.

Frankie's Friend

Thanks, maybe I should have said Catholic?

I assume you got my point...
I understood it. It's true.
But there's problems wherever you have people.
Heck, it was written that Jesus cast demons out of a man that was in the synagogue.

Nothing's changed.


Well-Known Member
we may not be as far apart as you think we are. I've had those conversations with muslims and jews. they recognize many chapters of the Christian bible. but obviously disagree on some points and the role of Jesus Christ.


But, other non-Abrahamic faiths have completely different views about the fabric of reality.

Like I said, everyone who believes in their particular God does just that, and is convinced they're correct.

They all can't correct.

I'm glad you have faith in your particular God, I applaud you.

Just don't get too cocky, no one likes the equivalent of the JW's knocking on the door...


Well-Known Member
The Church wasn't established until after Jesus died. The 4 gospels as well as Paul's epistles and other apostles' epistles were letters that circulated amongst believers and were eventually collected and organized into what is now the New Testament. While the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, the New Testament was written in koine Greek, the language of the common man in that region at that time. The KJV is just one of the many translations of the original texts.

You say 'The Church' wasn't established until after Jesus died.

There were thousands of Churches while Jesus lived.