We had guys in my center that worked till 10:15.You Know what really sucks........ I have to work Christmas Eve until 9 PM. Just saying.

We had guys in my center that worked till 10:15.You Know what really sucks........ I have to work Christmas Eve until 9 PM. Just saying.
It's probably more about "showing" our shippers that UPS is being proactive this year.Logistically speaking running ground on Black Friday won't matter if Amazon processes orders for Christmas Eve again that have no chance of being delivered.
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All the sewer lines in Louisville Ky were plugged up with them.As opposed to them not adapting and going out of business.
Save those No votes. Toilet paper's hard to come by when you're homeless.
As opposed to them not adapting and going out of business.
Save those No votes. Toilet paper's hard to come by when you're homeless.
But not too tired to pick up the phone and call in.Here it comes, soon they will be telling us, well yes Thanksgiving is going to still be a paid holiday, but you are working. Then it will be Christmas day, as we are behind. And the sorry part is, we are too tired to fight it.
I don't know 2 guys that I work with use it all time .I guess it makes them more manly while exposing them to possible cancer.What's the testosterone cream for?
We had guys in my center that worked till 10:15.[/quo
I work every Christmas Eve till 9
That made me laugh. Thanks.I don't know 2 guys that I work with use it all time .I guess it makes them more manly while exposing them to possible cancer.
First of all, it IS a holiday...eve the day after Thanksgiving. They can't just change it after the contract is now settled. They are doing this supposedly to clean out the system in the building...in other words clear out all packages in the building so when we start work whether it be the next day...Saturday in my building... or when we start Monday,Just got the word tonight that the Friday after Thanksgiving is now not a holiday and that it has become a normal working day. Our contract isn't even settled yet. Did you guys in the Nation lose this holiday?
I really doubt if they will be going out of business with the record profits yr after yr. The profits grow as all of you giveback. Voting YES out of fear will just water down your benefits in the future with more concessions. Been hearing UPS crying since 81 that they are not making enough profit, and amazingly after the contracts, they ride you more, Now Black Friday, OH What a Surprise, how could they do that? possibly buy out some companies, I believe (pretty sure) yrs ago after one contract the weight limit went from 75 to 150. Of course done after the contract was ratified. Again They have been changing since 1907 and will continue to make many billions in yrs to come....and a lot of that profit is generated by employess paying more for their benefits that have slowly went away..Hang around long enough and you will see..if haven't already. If UPS was losing money like the auto makers did then I could see givebacks and or renegotiating the contract to keep them afloat...but I can't recall that issue since 81......them losing any money..Do You?
I don't know 2 guys that I work with use it all time .I guess it makes them more manly while exposing them to possible cancer.
That's what General Motors said.
The problem was..they were not making profits year after year like UPS. They were selling a product, Ups as you know provides a great service, well at least they did years ago. Comparing GM to UPS is not even close. If you want to retire with some decent benefits then I suggest you think hard before you vote because someday like myself you will have a bunch of YES men/women deciding your future. The future you think you will have like I did 7 years ago untill this last mess of a contract that changed for the worse. Again I will say that if UPS continues (check the past 30yrs) to make record profits ( That is good) then at least LEAVE the hard earned benefits we earned and told you were going to have when you retire alone. Eventually when we turn 65 then they go away anyway. At least for most of us. What is wrong with that. I can only thank the YES men/women for costing me possibly 6-8k the next few yrs(and others more) I have to pay. Not the end of the world, But when do the givebacks end?? They end when the current Teamsters grow a set and stand tall united and maybe they will not buckle under pressure like they just did..
You know, even on TeamCare, we get medical coverage for menstrual cramps.
You're hopeless.....You deserve to get crapped on down the road...Your Brain is so full of Brown matter that you do not or can not understand how concessions will just lower the once "Proud To Be A Upser" feeling many of us had years ago. Keep going, The Joke will be on you someday..but by then your Menstrual Cramps will not be covered anymore...Home Depot benefits will look great compared to those provided by UPS by that time, and trust me Cach...........by that time it will be too late, down memory lane, The Good Old Days...gone forever because of near sightedness by you and others on the YES Bandwagon.......Nuff said...Not worth responding to your post on this subject, you are a lost cause