They seem to be quite plentiful tonight, ignore works well.Another useless troll has arrived to correct us in our evil ways, a foreigner too.
Mr Gounj ,just because he's Canadian does not make him a troll.Another useless troll has arrived to correct us in our evil ways, a foreigner too.
Icetops??? that's funny,,, never heard that beforeThanks DS ! Yeah, I even talked to Austrailiens (yes, like the rest of the western world, they have national healthcare, too). For them, I think $250 Aus Dollars ($200US). is deductable... So, basically, once that runs out, it's totally covered by the Goverment. If you don't use it at all, you don't pay anything that year. And to remind you, us "trolls" have the 75% supply of icetops (for catscans), in the world, We supply you and most of Europe and the rest of the world. Canadians are also the inventors of penicellin and insulin. And my city here (Edmonton) has now become the newest and best cancer treatment center in NorthAmerica. (it's brand spanky new, might not be on google yet, but yes, some American and European specialist have been chosen to work here, to make it the best). Did I forget to mention , it's free ? if your Canadian ?![]()
what's the matter klein....? afraid of a little math?You also need metric system ! Everything is metric, your space program, the ml, and miligrams of medication you get.
Get with the rest of the world finally ! And that includes National Healthcare !
Like klein said,its nice to be able to walk in to a walk in clinic,or your family doctor,and get treated for free..
Canadians are also the inventors of penicellin Did I forget to mention , it's free ?![]()
Well, here is a Canadian. But, thinking you don't have to have national healthcare like ours (even though it's proven to be the worlds best).
But, did you Americans know, you're the only country in the enetire western world, that doesn't have national healthcare ????
That is soo stupid !
People lose homes, lose lives, because they have no insurance.
Walk in clinics, they are open almost 24 hrs a day here. I can go in , anytime. No charge.
You americans need healthcare reform. The working don't want it, ofcourse not, company pays for it. But, wait , where does the company get the money from ? - Think of that... everyone pays for it.
You also need metric system ! Everything is metric, your space program, the ml, and miligrams of medication you get.
Get with the rest of the world finally ! And that includes National Healthcare !
IsotopesI don't know how to spell it... but it's called or pronouced Ice -i tops. Its from a medical nuclear reactor. They need them for cat scans, and other medical machines that do scans. there are only 4 reactors in the world. One in eastern Canada (the largest), another in Holland... and I don't recall the other 2, maybe France has one.
As for the math, to the other posting... no we don't need the math, you guys at NASA calcukate your math, and so do your pharmacies, and hospitals, to have everything in metric, to have the perfect calcualtions done, for a perfect launch, or perfect heatlthcare service. Unless you guys get pills in ounzes (legal ones I mean).
So your healthcare isnt actually free then is it?Who pays for this, we all do ! Our taxes, income taxes, and surtaxes esspecially on alcohol and cigarettes ($20 a 6pack and over $11.00 for a pack of smokes), because those 2 items contribute to higher healthcare costs.
actually no you dont when it comes to healthcare. You HAVE to rely on governmentAnd no, I can take care of myself very well.
Why would doctors want to do this? and why would people with more money want to come to our healthcare system if the Canadian system works so well? what would motivate them to do this?Yes, we had some court cases, because some doctors want to get together, and operate a private clinic. Thats against the law, here, since every single Canadian shoudl be treated equally in regards of healthcare. The general public wants healthcare to be the same regardless of having or not having money.
I do admit, for some treatments, people with money here, don't want to wait... they go to the States, to get treated.
Again, even if you have the money, why would you need to come here if the Canadian system is a better way? Could it be that they get better treatment here?But, it's not a dying issue ! They are definilty healthy enough to travel there.
Thats is thier choice (they got money). And yes, that makes news here, and ofcourse in the states.
they die because they dont have insurance? how's that? there are places a person can go if they are that sick you knowOn the other hand, how mnay US citizens die, because they don't have insurance ? How many people lose house and home, because of a serious illness ?
You really think that just because people who dont want the GOVERNMENT running our healthcare that we want people dying and getting sick?The rest can get sick.
And you guys seem to want that.
I am particularly interested in that last sentence.... "the government will be there for me"..... really? And you are correct if UPS lays me off... it is a scary thought. But guess what? I will then have to go out and find something that can work for me and my family.... I WILL have that choice, you dont. It is tough but can be done. A lot of the arguements stem from just that; keeping government OUT of our lives and let us choose our on path..... It's called FREEDOMYou know, there was just a nice news report over amicans debating national Healthcare.... Kinda like in this ending: What we take for granted... The Americans are fighting over it.
To rely on govermant for my heathcare ?: I got no other choice, thats how our system works. I can get extra coverage though, for like having my own sperate room in a hospital, and I had that for many years. But gave up on that. I don't mind sharing a room with others, atleast someone to chat with.
We do pay extra for telephone and TV in hospitals, thats about it.
The problem in the states, is, the working people that have free insurance (thru the company), don't want others to get it for free, as well. (and eventually pay for it).
What if UPS lays you off tomorrow ? Who do you rely on, regarding healthcare...??????
The goverment will always be here for me, for my lifetime.... (and I pay my fair share, since I'm a productive citizen)