Gov healthcare


Für Meno :)
NHL Player wants to give back to the Hospital that treated him so well !

Creation of the Max Pacioretty Foundation
Monday, 07.11.2011 / 1:10 PM / News


MONTREAL- Montreal Canadiens forward, Max Pacioretty announced Monday the creation of his foundation to help the MGH Foundation raise the funds needed towards acquiring a Functional MRI machine (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) for the Traumatic Brain Injury Centre at the MGH/MUHC, a world leader in the research and treatment of concussions.

‘‘I received great care at the Montreal General Hospital and now that I have fully recovered I want to do my share and give back,” said Pacioretty. “The fact that this new MRI unit has several applications not only for athletes but for concussion patients of all ages, adult and children, is really important. Also, members of the Canadian Armed Forces suffering post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS), will benefit from this new equipment.”

more : All Habs: Announcement of the Max Pacioretty Foundation for MRI Facility - LockerPulse


golden ticket member
The Democrats scream because the big oil companies make 3 or 4% profit , but they are OK with 180% profit for their friends. This for a vaccine for a disease that was eradicated.

Friday, December 9, 2011 @ 12:45 pm | Internal Emails Show HHS Officials Questioned Huge No-Bid Contract For Firm Closely Connected To Obama, Called 180% Profit Margin “Outrageous”…

Siga Technologies is controlled by billionaire Obama super-donor Ronald Perelman. Read the backstory here.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — A series of e-mail exchanges between officials at the Department of Health and Human Services shows growing alarm at the amount of projected profit from a government contract for a drug company whose controlling shareholder is a longtime Democratic Party activist.

Ronald Perelman is controlling shareholder of Siga Technologies and a longtime Democratic Party activist and fundraiser. He’s also a large contributor to Republicans, but has been a particular friend of the Obama White House.

Also on Siga’s board of directors is Andy Stern, former president of the Service Employees International Union, who has had close relations with the Obama administration and who has supported President Barack Obama’s health care initiatives.
In May 2011, Health and Human Services awarded Siga a no-bid contract worth nearly $433 million to develop and produce 1.7 million doses of an anti-viral smallpox drug called STS-246. The drug would augment the existing supply of smallpox vaccine now in U.S. control. [...]

But internal e-mails obtained exclusively by CNN show a contracting officer assigned to manage price negotiations between HHS and Siga was alarmed at the cost. Siga’s return on investment, one e-mail said, was “an overwhelming 180 per cent.”
The e-mail went on to say that margin “must be cut in half at a minimum” and later added: “I know you won’t find a CO (Contracting Officer) in government who would sign a 3-digit profit percentage.”

In reply, another HHS official, a doctor, agreed.
“Fully concur that 180 per cent is outrageous,” the doctor said in an answer. Moreover, because taxpayer dollars had been used to fund research and development of the drug, “We should get a major discount given our support of front-end development,” the e-mail states.


golden ticket member
December 20, 2011 @ 12:24 pm | Politifact Names Dems Attacks On Ryan Medicare Proposal “Lie Of The Year”…
Via Healthwatch:
The claim that House Republicans’ budget would end Medicare is the “lie of the year,” according to the fact-checking website Politifact.

According to Politifact’s analysis, saying the Ryan plan “ends Medicare” overlooks the fact that its changes would not affect people 55 and older. Politifact also said Medicare would remain in existence, but in a different form — which Ryan’s critics say is the same thing as ending Medicare.

Democrats and liberals slammed the decision and stood by the contention that Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposal would end Medicare.

“It seems foolish to have to parse the meaning of the word ‘end,’ but if there’s a program, and it’s replaced with a different program, proponents brought an end to the original program,” liberal blogger Steve Benen wrote at the Washington Monthly. “That’s what the verb means.”

Under Ryan’s plan, the existing Medicare program would be replaced with a system in which the federal government provides seniors with subsidies to buy private insurance.

“The very definition of the Medicare program is a national health insurance program for seniors which House Republicans would abolish under their budget,” the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said in an earlier rebuttal of Politifact’s analysis of the Ryan plan.



Für Meno :)
What happened to US private healthcare ?
They need to ask the government run healthcare in Austrailia now ?

Medical team headed to Antarctica to rescue American in distress at research station

SYDNEY - An Australian rescue team is heading to Antarctica to evacuate an American expeditioner experiencing a medical emergency.
The Australian Antarctic Division said Wednesday it is sending a specialist medical team to the U.S. McMurdo research station in Antarctica.
The team will first stop in Christchurch, New Zealand, and wait until weather and light conditions on the frozen continent allow them to land safely. It is winter in Antarctica, and flights are usually only made during the summer.
The Australian agency said they could not provide any more details on the nature of the emergency and directed all queries to the U.S. National Science Foundation. The foundation runs the research station and is co-ordinating the rescue. Officials there did not immediately return messages seeking comment.


golden ticket member
To answer your's actually in the story you posted

They directed all queries to the U.S. National Science Foundation. So, go ask the U.S. National Science Foundation. What the hell makes you think we'd know ?? How many scientists do you think are on this site?


Für Meno :)
To answer your's actually in the story you posted

They directed all queries to the U.S. National Science Foundation. So, go ask the U.S. National Science Foundation. What the hell makes you think we'd know ?? How many scientists do you think are on this site?

Wow, I didn't know it took a scientist to rescue another sceintist !
UPS drivers sould be happy ! It only takes an ambulance driver to rescue another driver !


golden ticket member
Wow, I didn't know it took a scientist to rescue another sceintist !
UPS drivers sould be happy ! It only takes an ambulance driver to rescue another driver !
You asked WHY? I told you where to go. I wish I would've told you where you can really go.


Für Meno :)
Don't you find it odd that the US can launch cruise missles at $1 Million per piece into LIbya, or send a cruiser to Mars for a few billion, but the US government needs to lay their hands off healthcare.

So, they needed to hire government run healthcare from Australia to do the mission, instead.
Nice out sourcing !

Consider yourself lucky , they didn't ask Canada for help. We know the cold weather and the Artic.
Otherwise I could really rub it in ! ;)


golden ticket member


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I paid into it all my life.......go give your advice to someone dumb enough to take it.
You tell em luck.. Keep the evil government out of Medicare, social security..oh wait...According to mitt you are part of the 47%ers..Guess that makes you a moocher..The right think to do is take only what you paid in...


golden ticket member
You tell em luck.. Keep the evil government out of Medicare, social security..oh wait...According to mitt you are part of the 47%ers..Guess that makes you a moocher..The right think to do is take only what you paid in...
Somebody stole hundreds of millions from Medicare..... some of that was my money.......Obama crook!! What did he pay in???????


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
My dear use that government healthcare to rid yourself of the everything that happens in the world must somehow be linked to the is out there....Just make that call pls....