Well-Known Member
LOL, I used to drive trucks for a beer delivery company which had a CNG truck and a propane truck. Fueling them up was a major PITA, and performance was poor.
I see your point however.
Nevertheless, we'll have to agree to disagree: I believe that there is a role for government in the regulation of many things, fuel standards being one of them. Are they going about it correctly? Likely not, but the 'invisible hand' just hasn't really been working all that well lately, eh?
Leaving everything to market forces doesn't seem to be the answer. You may counter that we just haven't left enough to market forces and that the gooberment's involvement all along the way has been the real problem.
For example, deregulating the financial industry and Wall Street has been a super success...
The trucking industry is already moving to CNG powered trucks. Truck stops across the country are investing in CNG pumps as the number of CNG powered big rigs increase across the country. This isn't the government at work, but the free market moving towards cheaper and more efficient energy sources. Kinda blows a hole in your "the invisible hand doesn't work" argument doesn't it?
Its also intellectually dishonest to suggest financial deregulation has lead to the most recent financial problems. Quite to the contrary it has been proven that government interference has led to this most recent economic downturn, and not the markets themselves.