Government Motors


Staff member
I understand why the leftists hate education. An educated populace would never approve of their policies. I do not understand why you guys hate food. If you guys had your way every farm would be on 40 acres with a mule. Wait you might claim a mule adds to global warming or something else crazy.
So everybody on the left is stupid because you subscribe to Glen Beck/Paul Ryan ideology? C'mon av, you're being ridiculous.


bella amicizia
So everybody on the left is stupid because you subscribe to Glen Beck/Paul Ryan ideology? C'mon av, you're being ridiculous.
I listened to Glen Beck when he wasn't a millionaire. He made sense then. Now, he's either putting on a show to get viewers/listeners, or he's insane.


Staff member
I listened to Glen Beck when he wasn't a millionaire. He made sense then. Now, he's either putting on a show to get viewers/listeners, or he's insane.
I think he's putting on a show. I read the interview with him (Time?) and he comes off as a far more reasonable and thoughtful individual with a great sense of humor. But, I'm a capitalist so I like that he's doing well. I just wonder if others get the full scope of what he's doing.


Well-Known Member
Dude: (I'm assuming you're a man)...
(I like how you inject the 'why do you hate freedom' argument...always a winner in Absurdistan...)

Here's a particular difference between the 'right' vs. the 'left':

The 'left' thinks that certain things shouldn't be left to market forces, including: clean water, education, access to quality food, etc...

It's a fine and noble idea to let the market sort things out, except the market does a shi88y job of it, generally.

In the ideal right-wing-conservative world, everything important or necessary will just take care of itself.

But, that's not what actually happens.

Your 'invisible hand' has palsy.


What are your thoughts on the Eisenhower Interstate Highway System?

The fact is, clean water, education and food quality are already in the hands of market forces and were that way from day one. If you think otherwise, you should research the history of gov't operations in that area, ignore the feelgood rhetoric of politicians. Those very private market forces who wanted to starve out competition, most all of that small in scale, local and responsive to local quality of life, and at the least create monopolized/cartelized markets have succeeded is shifting all economic power to the top and regulatory capture to control it. The very thing of clean water, quality food and education beg to be localized and locally controlled.

You mentioned the Eisenhower Interstate System and most people think he came up with the entire idea. In some respects he did but his influence was the German Autobahn model but there is more to this story. In 1953', Eisenhower appointed to Sec. of Defense, the current General Motors head Charles Erwin Wilson and in 1955' he helped map out what would become in 1956' the Interstate Highway System under the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956'. With broad general train services between towns and cities, surely Wilson's interests would never benefit the bottom line of GM?

And not stopping there, go back another decade or 2 and we have a man by the name of Thomas McDonald and the important role he played in what we now call the interstate highway system. I you think the idea was all new with Eisenhower, think again. And who was McDonald connected with and what interests would they have in such a highway endeavor?

After graduating college, he was named Assistant in Charge of Good Roads Investigation for the Iowa State Highway Commission (ISHC). He then became chief engineer and then Iowa highway commissioner, overseeing a budget of just $5,000 a year. He was soon named President of the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) and at the age of 38, was suggested by that group to serve as chief of the Bureau of Public Roads. Congress quickly accepted.
He demanded (and received) a salary increase from $4,500 to $6,000 and remained an AASHO board member. He also insisted on adoption of "the most liberal policy possible under the existing laws, in order to get actual construction work under way as early and as rapidly [as reasonable]."
MacDonald quickly pulled together a coalition including the Portland Cement Association, the American Automobile Association, the American Road Builders Association, the Association of Highway Officials of the North Atlantic States, the Rubber Association of America, the Mississippi Valley Association of State Highway Officials, the National Paving Brick Manufacturer's Association, the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, and more.

Surely all these private interests were all motivated by the highest of civic virtue!

Then again, maybe you've been "Taken For A Ride" like the rest of us.

Taken for a Ride (Full Length Documentary) - YouTube

The markets have always been rigged, the fallacy of statist is to accuse the latest "market" implosion as a result of un-regulation, that ole' free market boogie man when just the opposite is true. The markets blew up because thanks to statism, markets were manipulated by the use of regulation and gov't capture. The current economic model is showing what many radical leftists, anarchists and market libertarians have concluded and that is capitalism can only exist with a state and the large scale state needs capitalism as it's economic engine. Kill either and you kill both.


Well-Known Member
Because "EIB" and "The Blaze" aren't real universities.

So because I do not know what EIB and The Blaze mean that makes me ridiculous? I'm not following you but it's possible that because you know what that means it makes you the ridiculous one.


Well-Known Member
The markets have always been rigged, the fallacy of statist is to accuse the latest "market" implosion as a result of un-regulation, that ole' free market boogie man when just the opposite is true.

That's very true. It is very evident every campaign season when the talk of some fantasy deregulation comes up as a blame for all woes.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Would you prefer to live in a country where you are told what kind of car you will buy?

And dont would only be the color white and a Chevy Volt.

(BTW, I love my Nissan Altima)

Nice car and its built in TN by Americans. It sure is nice that Nissan created some jobs in America.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Both Limbaugh and Beck refer to what they do on the air as "institutions" for conservative learning, but in reality, they teach nothing about conservatism, instead, they just find ways to distort facts and figures as they slam the president.

The EIB, or excellence in broadcasting is something RUSH annointed himself from the narcissistic institute of stupitidy. Beck comes in a close second.




bella amicizia
Thanks!! I had heard of Limbaugh before but didn't know he was referred to as EIB but I hadn't seen the Blaze and there were some interesting stories on there.
I think Limbaugh is hilarious and listen to him when I'm working. I don't prescribe to his beliefs, but I find him to be very entertaining.

The articles Uncle Mike send me are always interesting.


Way to support american manufacturing. Gee, if everyone had your opinion, we'd all be buying japanese cars. take your flag down if you hang one on your porch. Put up the rising sun instead. Seems to suit you.




If everyone could read as good as you we would all have the back of Obamas head as our proile pic. Good words except I didnt say I would invest in foreign cars...I understand you may not know of another American Auto company by the name of FORD did not take tax dollars. And also I know you wouldnt understand that to just bailout GM, they did not address any of their problems...Im all for union workers getting what they deserve as long as the company can afford...that was the problem. You did know that didnt you? Bankruptcy does not mean a company goes allows the company to start over and rebuild to be stronger...but lets kick the can down the road...bc of the bailout GM is in just as much trouble now to go out of business than before.


Well-Known Member
Saw this today from the Liberal AOL / Huffington Post.

It's been a bad two days for electric cars.

First, the Congressional Budget Office skewered the government's rebate program for electric car buyers, saying
the program doesn't actually do anything to boost electric-car sales.

Then Toyota announced it is scrapping plans for a small all-electric car, according to Reuters, because nobody wants them.

And on Tuesday, electric car maker Tesla said it is cutting its 2012 revenue projections because production of its
heralded Model S car have been too slow.

The same day, Consumer Reports announced they find the $100,000 extended-range electric Fisker Karma to be "plagued with flaws."

Taken all together, the news is making conservatives ecstatic. They've mocked, ridiculed and been downright angry
about the money the Obama administration is pouring into hybrid and electric cars.

They argue the government is meddling in a market of stuff nobody wants to buy.

"What Obama did was use the power of government money to insert himself into market decisions that he was
ultimately dead wrong on," said Ben Howe, a blogger and video producer from South Carolina who made a parody
commercial of the Chevy Volt.

Although light on facts, the parody demonstrates how some people see the Volt and other battery-powered cars: As a joke.

Government Skewers Its Own Investments In Electric Cars