You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I'll likely be there but we have had the discussion. She deserves someone very sympathetic to be there to help her through it. I simply am not. She would be better served to have someone that will treat her like she deserves to be treated.Labor is the toughest thing your wife will ever go through and it would be very selfish of you to not be there in the delivery room to help her through it. The range of emotions she will go through will floor you. She will both love and hate you at the same time. You will hear "you did this to me!" more than you would like.
You will regret it for the rest of your life if you choose not be there for your wife when she really needs you. Dave.
She's also really struggling with if she wants an epidural or not. Which if it's no I sure as hell don't want to be there lol jk.