Grill It Baby!

Look at the size of these. only 99 cents each.


That’s Craptacular
I marinate my steaks. cook them medium rare. when done,I let them sit for 5 minutes.

No it doesnt sound bad. the thought of margarine,makes me ill.

Butter or nothing.
I'm more of a steak purist....nothing on my steak (a good steak like a tbone or ribeye) when I grill it but salt and pepper and a little minced fresh garlic. Just my preference. I'll marinate chicken or cheaper cuts of beef like a chuck steak or flank steak.
I'm more of a steak purist....nothing on my steak (a good steak like a tbone or ribeye) when I grill it but salt and pepper and a little minced fresh garlic. Just my preference. I'll marinate chicken or cheaper cuts of beef like a chuck steak or flank steak.
I always use a little lowery's marinade.
Its good stuff. when they have a BOGO sale,I will buy 20 of them.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
I'm more of a steak purist....nothing on my steak (a good steak like a tbone or ribeye) when I grill it but salt and pepper and a little minced fresh garlic. Just my preference. I'll marinate chicken or cheaper cuts of beef like a chuck steak or flank steak.
I saw this recipe on a steak cook off 1 week ago and tried it. Poke the steak full of holes, take lemon pepper and greek seasoning and shake it only on the top, then take a soup spoon full of soy sauce (i know sounds bad)and go over the top then do the same thing with worshshire (cant spell) then olive oil generously COOK! Then rest with butter on top for 5 or 10 minutes.