Ground Contractors ** Alexander vs FedEx- Checks are in the mail


Well-Known Member
Who do i hate? FedEx ground? I sure don't hate you. I made 340,000 selling my fedx routes and trucks, and 174,000. on a class action suit that i just signed my name to a paper. That's over 500,000.00 in my pocket plus i supported my family very well as a contractor for 18 years and now work as a driver for a guy like you that buys groceries and pays the utilities. In three years I hope to retire. But, as i driver I see that this is a scam to not have employees. It will change If wages go up. Maybe you guys will offer hourly pay, with overtime, lunch and breaks, and maybe some benefits. You know, like real employees get.


Staff member
Who do i hate? FedEx ground? I sure don't hate you. I made 340,000 selling my fedx routes and trucks, and 174,000. on a class action suit that i just signed my name to a paper. That's over 500,000.00 in my pocket plus i supported my family very well as a contractor for 18 years and now work as a driver for a guy like you that buys groceries and pays the utilities. In three years I hope to retire. But, as i driver I see that this is a scam to not have employees. It will change If wages go up. Maybe you guys will offer hourly pay, with overtime, lunch and breaks, and maybe some benefits. You know, like real employees get.
That you are seeing it from a driver's side now doesn't make it a scam. You know X writes the Agreement to fit neatly on the legal side of the law. Hourly pay, overtime, lunch, breaks, and benefits don't make it legal or illegal.


Well-Known Member
Who do i hate? FedEx ground? I sure don't hate you. I made 340,000 selling my fedx routes and trucks, and 174,000. on a class action suit that i just signed my name to a paper. That's over 500,000.00 in my pocket plus i supported my family very well as a contractor for 18 years and now work as a driver for a guy like you that buys groceries and pays the utilities. In three years I hope to retire. But, as i driver I see that this is a scam to not have employees. It will change If wages go up. Maybe you guys will offer hourly pay, with overtime, lunch and breaks, and maybe some benefits. You know, like real employees get.
Being both a contractor as well as a salaried/waged driver you have the opportunity to see the core issues from both sides.
As a contractor you have learned first hand a valuable lesson. The only money you make is by driving a route yourself and if your lucky you'll be able to sell everything for many times book value to some poor unsuspecting slug who thinks that he has just landed on "go" on his first throw of the dice and has no clue as to what he's getting himself into. As a salaried/ waged driver you can see that the only person who can make it on what driving for a contractor pays is an unmarried person with no kids lives alone with no debts and very inexpensive living costs and can squeeze enough out of his take home to buy himself an ACA assisted health insurance plan. A person fitting that description is "gold" for a contractor but such people are very very few in number.
The greed of X will always leave a huge gap between what a contractor will have available to pay and what a driver with a typical household needs to meet basic living expenses. If that contractor falls into that abyss well, in the eyes of X, that's his tough luck because he failed to fulfill "The Purple Promise" in which the true reality is the promise to provide X with the industry's cheapest trucking and labor.


Well-Known Member
I got out when they where using us as the guineas pigs of the ISP in CA. I didn't know about the 10 yr. driver mis-classification lawsuit. I went from hated absentee contractor to poster boy for the ISP. I talked to Ex lawyers, I was a contractor ambassador wined and dined by Ex contractor relations with o so called "contractor ambassadors". I sat at a meeting with a lawyer, worked as a contractor ambassador. The only thing I could think of was: "how crappy of lawyer is he to have a law degree and be a contractor ambassador". I told the other "contractor ambassadors" that the whole thing is a scam and was viciously attacked by them. Ok. you guys believe this S@@t. I'll sell, and I did.


Staff member
I got out when they where using us as the guineas pigs of the ISP in CA. I didn't know about the 10 yr. driver mis-classification lawsuit. I went from hated absentee contractor to poster boy for the ISP. I talked to Ex lawyers, I was a contractor ambassador wined and dined by Ex contractor relations with o so called "contractor ambassadors". I sat at a meeting with a lawyer, worked as a contractor ambassador. The only thing I could think of was: "how crappy of lawyer is he to have a law degree and be a contractor ambassador". I told the other "contractor ambassadors" that the whole thing is a scam and was viciously attacked by them. Ok. you guys believe this S@@t. I'll sell, and I did.
Well...good for you. I guess.


Well-Known Member
I got out when they where using us as the guineas pigs of the ISP in CA. I didn't know about the 10 yr. driver mis-classification lawsuit. I went from hated absentee contractor to poster boy for the ISP. I talked to Ex lawyers, I was a contractor ambassador wined and dined by Ex contractor relations with o so called "contractor ambassadors". I sat at a meeting with a lawyer, worked as a contractor ambassador. The only thing I could think of was: "how crappy of lawyer is he to have a law degree and be a contractor ambassador". I told the other "contractor ambassadors" that the whole thing is a scam and was viciously attacked by them. Ok. you guys believe this S@@t. I'll sell, and I did.
This type of gamesmanship appears to be almost company wide. We once had this very attractive young contractor. A single route just trying to earn an honest living. Well, one day the contractor relations guy comes up . He along with the TM insisted that this young woman go out to dinner just the three of them under the guise of her becoming the "contractor ambassador". To her credit she stood her ground and refused but she came to me pretty worked up about it. I did my best to get her nerves calmed down. Perhaps their intentions may have been honorable but regardless of whether or not they were you simply in this day and age do not for any purpose propose this type of social setting . And they call themselves career professionals.


Well-Known Member
I skim some of them depending on the post your responding to.
"Skim"......translation.....poor reader....You see, if you want to get into a battle of wits and personal attacks ok that's fine but I prefer not to. It reminds me of the prison warden played by Strother Martin in Cool Hand Luke when talking about Paul Newman's character Luke. "What we have here is a failure to communicate. It doesn't have to be this way but this, this is the way he wants it".


Well-Known Member
For those who got big settlement checks- you can go back and look at previous years covered by the settlement, and for any years that you could have had more income and still would have owed zero taxes, you can subtract that difference from the settlement reported.

For instance, one year, after deducting expenses I had negative net income of about $4200 [after subtracting standard deduction(or schedule A for those who itemized) and exemption]. So instead of reporting the full amount of the settlement as misc income on line 21(?), I subtract $4200. I have several years I will be able to do that. I believe I was able to write-off the full cost of a new vehicle in the year of purchase back then. My settlement only covered barely five years I was a 'contractor.'

I got much less in my settlement, about 10% of the $275k, and filed every year as a sole proprietor, but I will only owe about $400 in taxes on a $23k check I got early this year. Luckily, I also got my total settlement spread over late 2016 and early 2017, but I had to specifically ask ahead of time.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
"Skim"......translation.....poor reader....You see, if you want to get into a battle of wits and personal attacks ok that's fine but I prefer not to. It reminds me of the prison warden played by Strother Martin in Cool Hand Luke when talking about Paul Newman's character Luke. "What we have here is a failure to communicate. It doesn't have to be this way but this, this is the way he wants it".


59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
You're a real tool. If you really did quit the company, I'll bet they changed the combination to the door within 10 minutes of your departure. Then it was champagne for everyone.

I bet when you quit, SPH at your station increased and the BMI decreased.