Gun Control Advocate-Actor Alec Baldwin Shoots Two People, Killing One


Strength through joy
To save money, the film's producers combined jobs which resulted in many mistakes happening;

  • The assistant director should not have done the armorer’s job of picking up the gun and handing it to the actor.
  • The assistant director obviously did not check the gun to be sure it was safe.
  • A rubber gun should have been used during rehearsal.
  • Whoever handed the gun to the actor should have shown the actor it was not loaded, and the barrel was clear.
  • While pointing at the ground, the gun should’ve been dry fired six times to prove it was empty.
  • As both producer and actor, Baldwin should’ve insisted on being shown the gun was empty.
  • Baldwin should have double-checked the gun himself.
  • Baldwin never-ever-ever should have pointed that gun at anyone, no matter how safe he believed it was


Inordinately Right
Look at it this way. When you rootin tootin Duke Wayne western movie lovers have watched the Duke's cowboy movies so many times that you have the lines so well memorized that you're saying them outload before they're even spoken, "Rust" might have given you something different to watch for a change.
Other than the people who were working on it, literally no one is upset Baldwin's third rate movie will never see the light of day.


Legio patria nostra

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
This just in: if you shoot somebody, it's your fault.

News at 11.
Completely agree. No one should use machinery that they aren't qualified to use. The Justice system determines if the use of lethal force (i.e. a gun) is justified.

That said, nothing says that anyone and everyone is not entitled to their own opinion and are allowed to express it. Self-appointed hall monitors like @bacha29's attempts at silencing those he disagrees with is contemptible.


Well-Known Member

Completely agree. No one should use machinery that they aren't qualified to use. The Justice system determines if the use of lethal force (i.e. a gun) is justified.

That said, nothing says that anyone and everyone is not entitled to their own opinion and are allowed to express it. Self-appointed hall monitors like @bacha29's attempts at silencing those he disagrees with is contemptible.
If I'm a hall monitor then you guys are a lynch mob. It's only because it was Alec Baldwin who was involved in the accidental shooting a guy who made fun of your white messiah is why you want to lynch him Why is that fact so obvious?. When Dick Cheney accidently shot a guy there wasn't a word out of any of you. Cheney didn't have his gun secured as well.. It went off and loaded a guy up with buckshot. Fortunately it was only buckshot. If that had been a pumpkin ball it would have blown the guys head off. Same thing improper and careless handling of a firearm which makes Cheney equally unqualified no matter what you guys or the NRA might say to the contrary.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
The person they hired to be in charge of the guns on set, smh she looks like I couldn’t even trust her to hand out named cups of coffee at starbucks.
A sick part of me still wants to smash though.