
Gotta Go

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Strength through joy
This is what happens in a one party state.

THE MASSACHUSETTS House on Thursday quickly introduced and passed provisions tightening gun licensing standards in response to a recent US Supreme Court  Bruen decision.
The sudden action on guns, which was passed as an amendment to a bond bill Thursday evening, angered gun rights activists. Jim Wallace, executive director of Gun Owners Action League, a gun rights lobbying group, said he “cannot even describe how angry we are” that gun owners were not consulted. “The very people that were affected by the Supreme Court decision and are going to be affected by whatever they do today, we didn’t even get the courtesy of a phone call to say hey what do you think about this?” he said.
It adds two categories of people to those who are prohibited from getting a gun license: someone subject to a harassment prevention order, and someone who poses a risk of danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm.
No longer will local police chiefs have the discretion to determine who is “unsuitable” for a gun license.
It also reduces the amount of time a gun license is good for from six to three years, ensuring more frequent reviews, and it codifies a requirement for an in-person interview with a licensing authority before someone can obtain a gun license.


Inordinately Right