While speaking in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday President Biden said, "The bullet out of an AR-15 travels fives times a rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun."
While speaking in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday President Biden said, “The bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun.”
Ironically, on June 30, 2022, Field & Stream did an in-depth look at the “Five Fastest Rifle Cartridges” and the two AR-15 rounds, .223 and 5.56, did not even make the cut.
Here are the top rounds, as
listed by Field & Stream, and the feet per second (fps) they travel upon being fired:
- .220 Swift — A 40-Grain .220 Swift round moves approx. 4,300 fps.
- .257 Weatherby Magnum — An 87-Grain .257 Weatherby Magnum round moves approx. 3,700+ fps.
- .30/378 Weatherby — An 165-Grain .30/378 Weatherby round moves approx. 3,400+ fps.
- .224 Clark — An 80-Grain .224 Clark round moves approx. 3,500+ fps.
- .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer — A 50-Grain .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer round moves approx. 4,600 fps.
By contrast the two AR-15 rounds move at approx. 2,700 – 3,100 fps.