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Well-Known Member
Sounds like bad parenting, one mama no daddy.
Sounds like a liberal utopia Dream.
I guess they didn't want to infringe on his God Given Second Amendment rights.



Well-Known Member
I guess they didn't want to infringe on his God Given Second Amendment rights.

Sounds like a bunch of stupid liberals too afraid to do their job lol. Play stupid games when stupid prizes.


Retired 23 years


Staff member
A buddy of mine sent me something similar yesterday. But diving into history, is that really what it means?

Many if not most of the founding fathers were dead set against a standing army. They saw it as a tyrannical arm. A force against liberty.

Was the Second Amendment ratified because that was to be the main defense in times of war? Because somewhere along the way, the descendants of those men decided otherwise and indeed raised the greatest standing military ever. It’s as though raising that military force is a giant middle finger to the founders and flies directly contrary to the 2A.


Well-Known Member
Phony quote.
No, one’s actually sure if it’s phony. It has been said that it was heard, said in meetings..
Really doesn’t matter because I’m more about watching what they do not what they say and they certainly did outlaw weapons for many people.

“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.”

Adolf Hitler


Strength through joy
I always chuckle at the people who pretend we can just walk into a gun store and buy a gun like we buy a candy bar. I don’t remember having to fill out paperwork. Wait for my ID to be ran, and then sometimes even told the NICS is backlogged and we can’t make the sale today. Will give you a call in a day or two. 🤷‍♂️
Or the gun show loopholes.


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
I'm not a gun guy, though my kids hunt deer on occasion, or 'rats with hooves' as we called them.

I've never bought a gun, but there may be a couple in some of my homes, but there is probably not ammunition for them. Or ammo at all.

I don't understand guns outside of sport or law enforcement, and even that can get overblown.

If I have to defend my home with a firearm, I may want to rethink where I live.
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