A cop relative claims he sees tons of car smashes where they don’t take anything or little because they’re looking for guns.
Back in the 80s it was crackheads looking for change cups. Then in the 90s it was to steal the big folders of CDs we used to have. Then in the 00s it was electronics. But now it’s guns. Lots of car window smashes nothing is taken because they’re looking for guns.
Sure we all know what your support, more militarized police forces to terrorize and cause Tyranny. As long as it someone you feel is in charge they’re perfectly fine having.A gun or a tank and beating and violating helpless citizens rights.
Imagine being mad at the law, abiding Citizen that a criminal broke in the car, lol talk about a mind warp.
And your cop relative sounds like the typical donut eating cop. As if he would know exactly what someone’s looking for?
“Look over there a smash window, obviously looking for guns” let’s do an interview with the New York Times!