Half Empty? NFL

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

"We aim for dignity, respect and professionalism," league executive Troy Vincent told the AP. "It’s that simple."

Now, THAT’S funny! NFL players get arrested all the time for various reasons with silence from the NFL, but they aim for dignity respect and professionalism. Lol.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Like what!!!
The good ol Bishop...

Being the religious servant that he is...

Picked her up.

Drove her to his condo.

She blessed the Green suit wearing God representative.

After some time she changed clothes.

Was driven to Snoopy D O double g's fly pad.

Once there... Stuff happened where she needed to go to the bathroom to clean up...again.

Then the Dogg Father came in the bathroom...

Double meaning on that last sentence.

Then the princess was driven home.

End of report.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The good ol Bishop...

Being the religious servant that he is...

Picked her up.

Drove her to his condo.

She blessed the Green suit wearing God representative.

After some time she changed clothes.

Was driven to Snoopy D O double g's fly pad.

Once there... Stuff happened where she needed to go to the bathroom to clean up...again.

Then the Dogg Father came in the bathroom...

Double meaning on that last sentence.

Then the princess was driven home.

End of report.


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