Half Empty? NFL


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Always did. Always said so. In fact I always challenged people to name players in any pregame protests that offended them. For the most part, few names came up. Just a general discontent and “swearing off the NFL FOREVER!!!!”

Lol. And now look. The NFL ignored them and with all the talk of viewership being down they score a huge hit.

Isn’t there a thread or several that goes on and on about the demise of the NFL? Yeah. That’s what I thought. 🤣
Only because of LA


Staff member
Pent up demand. People want to live again. Even the players have had enough.
Lol. Ok. So not “only because of LA”?

NFL played last year too. I watched a lot of games. Pent up demand? Nobody was stopping anyone from watching.

I must say, didn’t take a lot of the “swearing off” crowd to forget their disgust.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lol. Ok. So not “only because of LA”?

NFL played last year too. I watched a lot of games. Pent up demand? Nobody was stopping anyone from watching.

I must say, didn’t take a lot of the “swearing off” crowd to forget their disgust.
I really couldn’t care less to be honest. If they never played another game it wouldn’t bother me at all.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Ok. So not “only because of LA”?

NFL played last year too. I watched a lot of games. Pent up demand? Nobody was stopping anyone from watching.

I must say, didn’t take a lot of the “swearing off” crowd to forget their disgust.
Hats off to the players who refused to kneel.


Staff member
No. They turned off the fake protesting. They turned it off at last years superbowl as well.
I remember they were playing the “Black National Anthem” at every game. There was a minor backlash. Seems most people forgot all about it. I did.


Happy Verified UPSer
You know what insanity is ? People expecting corporations to do the right thing like not letting Snoop Dog be in the half time show and endorsing products like Corona beer.

Its all about money. Always has been , always will be,

That is why I'm done with Goodell and the NFL.